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Theories, types, causes of aggression "... The term ″aggression″ denotes assertive, dominant, attacking and harmful behavior, uniting acts of behavior that are different in form and results, such as cruel jokes, gossip, hostile fantasies, destructive forms of behavior, even murder and suicide. The word ″aggression″ has roots in the Latin ″adgradi″ (″ad″ – ″on″, ″gradus″ – ″step″), i.e. ″on-to-step″. S. I. Ozhegova gives the following definition: “aggression is open hostility, causing hostility.” The French Dictionary of Paul Robert defines aggression as “an attack on an individual using force.” The Oxford English Dictionary means “an unprovoked attack on an individual.” ″. Based on the meaning of these definitions, we can conclude that in modern language the word ″aggression″ is used in a meaning close to the original...." There are various theories regarding the phenomenon of aggression, let’s outline the main ones: Sigmund Freud believed that aggression is innate property of a person and is directly related to sexual energy. “Fortunately, aggressive instincts never exist on their own, but are always associated with erotic ones. These latter, in the conditions of a human-created culture, can soften and prevent a lot” (S. Freud). Alfred Adler emphasized the importance of aggression in the formation of personality. A person, in his opinion, needs normal aggression - this is what today we call social activity, improvement, that is, our desire, taking into account the interests of society, to achieve peaceful superiority. Frederick Perls, in his book “Ego, Hunger, Aggression,” argues that aggression mainly a function of the hunger instinct, and in principle can be part of any instinct, for example, sexual. Konrad Lorenz said that aggression is explained purely biologically, as a desire to survive in the fight with other beings, as a means of protecting and asserting oneself, one’s life. Through destruction or victory over an opponent. And it is possible only between representatives of the same species. Erich Fromm researched and wrote that initially a person has defensive aggressiveness (benign), manifestation of cruelty is a product of society (malignant aggressiveness. Melanie Klein said that aggression and love are as the fundamental organizing forces of the psyche. Aggression splits the psyche, love cements it. A child or an Adult will aggressively split the world in order to reject what he hates and preserve what he desires. Gunther Ammon developed a concept with three types of aggression: constructive. , destructive, deficient. At the same time, initially a person has only a constructive one, later, under the influence of society, a destructive and deficient one appears. Albert Bandura, who developed the theory of social learning, believed that the learning of aggressive behavior occurs through observation and experience, that is, in addition to frustration and. dissatisfaction, the potential aggressor must have an example to follow. All these theories confirm the biological origin of aggression and the ability to direct it individually, because perception depends not only on external stimuli, but also on the personal characteristics of the individual. Aggression can be innate or acquired by a person in the process of social interaction, but one thing remains unchanged - the choice of how to deal with this energetically strong emotion and where to direct it is always in the hands of the one who has this emotion. Book a consultation 79111717153 telegram/whatsapp
