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The feeling of guilt is familiar to each of us. It happens that it takes over us completely, depriving us of peace. We exaggerate the blame or even make it up, perhaps not realizing that we are actually hurting ourselves, “treading water” and not learning a lesson from the situation. We must not let guilt control our lives; to do this, we will look at several effective techniques that will help overcome it. Technique No. 1. First, you need to understand what you feel guilty about. Then you need to imagine that the act for which you are reproaching yourself was committed by a person very close and dear to you. The next step is to ask yourself: - “Will I blame this person as much as I blame myself?” If your answer turns out to be no, you would blame this person less. This is a consequence of the fact that you apply stricter requirements to yourself and give fewer rights than the people around you. This technique will help you reduce demands on yourself, allow more rights and stop blaming yourself. Technique #2: Think about it. You cannot turn back time and neutralize the mistake for which you blame yourself. You can only reduce the consequences and prevent the possibility of a recurrence of an unpleasant situation. Therefore, blaming yourself is pointless; it’s better to think about how to avoid the same mistakes in the future. Answer two questions: 1) What can I do to minimize the consequences of my action (which causes you guilt)? 2) What do I need to do? in order to avoid a similar mistake in the future and not commit a similar act? The feeling of guilt is not rational, it does not carry any benefit for your soul. It is much more effective to learn from the situation, forgive yourself and avoid repeating mistakes..
