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In the hustle and bustle of current affairs, do not forget to devote time to what fills and inspires you. Inspiration is the same motivation, it is the energy that moves you towards your goal. Here are a few tools that will attract inspiration into your life: BODY: this is our temple, and therefore you need to take care of it - get enough sleep, follow a daily routine, eat right, don’t forget about physical activity. FEAR OF FAILURE: get rid of it, because the one who doesn't - doesn't make mistakes. Give yourself the right to make mistakes or even sequences. Give yourself permission to do stupid things and don't be afraid to move forward! PLANNING: Imagine your goal as real. The brain must know what to strive for. Call it a request to the Universe. And, as they say: I see the goal - I see no obstacles. BENEFITS: having reached the goal, you expect to receive pleasure, but the path to the goal itself should be “tasty”, and therefore, remember WHAT you will get by achieving the goal so that the path to her was filled with the pleasure of anticipation. EXPERIENCE: do not forget that everything we do gives us experience. The more experience we have, other people's and our own, the faster we arrive at our intended goal. To do this, devote time to thinking, discussing and giving meaning to your idea. Everyone lives and functions within their own psychic reality. There will always be people next to you who share your views, and those who do not understand and do not support you. This is normal and natural. Don't think about what they will think or say about you. Do what you love: study, experiment, take as many risks as you consider necessary and necessary for you. Follow your inspiration, and the Universe will open doors for you where there used to be walls. Joseph Campbell. Inspiration, like the enjoyment of life, is a wonderful opportunity that we can bestow on ourselves. It is a feeling of ourselves in the world, in life and in every moment. These are our dreams and desires, aspirations and goals, searches and actions, self-esteem and self-realization. Start enjoying life right now: ◇ Think positively: remember that everything passes, and control the flow of information, especially negative.◇ Be grateful: to yourself, other people and the Universe for everything that happens.◇ Don’t compare yourself with other people: think about who you are and what is important to you.◇ Add variety to your life: start with daily little things, or do something that you haven’t decided to do or have been putting off for a long time.◇ Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself: the goal should be achievable, and the path is made up of small achievable tasks.◇ Laugh: at yourself and others, do not be afraid of mistakes and failures. Know yourself and give yourself the pleasure of life. Treat yourself with care, love and respect, and I will help you on your path. @temet_nosce_psy
