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"I was in the spirit on Sunday, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet, saying": "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; to the one who thirsts I will give freely from source of his “living water.” “He who abides in me will inherit all things, and I will be a Father to him, and he will be my son.” Don’t rush to close the article! I'm not talking about religion or belief in God, in the traditional view. We will talk about integrity, about how to find support in yourself in difficult times, which even death cannot destroy. What is the man from the Gospel talking about? About the most valuable, subjective experience of communicating with (no, not with God) with yourself! About contact with your base, inner Silence, Self-space. Many people reproach psychology for its superficiality, “clumsiness”, and call it “cosmetics” for the soul, quite rightly, since it almost completely ignores the most important part of our individuality, I-form-I-space. Meanwhile, it is the I-space, the inner silence, which is called God, the meditative state, the holy spirit, the inner temple in which a prayer or mantra sounds, in which our dynamic I, or personality, manifests itself, only it, this inner space, can to be our unbreakable support at all times and without contact with it, without accepting it as the most important, fundamental part of ourselves, true integrity is impossible! Any “achieved” integrity, without connection with one’s Self-space, is nothing more than a fiction, a house on chicken legs. Like the external world, the world of forms arises, exists, is renewed and dissolves in the space of existence, like every form of this world, by 99% consists of the “energy” of space, from emptiness, so our dynamic Self, the Self-form, exists, manifests itself in the space of internal silence, in our Self-space, which can be called by different names, but it is obvious that only with acceptance of it as the most important, integral part of ourselves, the feeling of the fullness of our being and the integrity of our being ceases to be an idealistic concept, it becomes a genuine, unshakable reality, an existential fact. Modern culture, fragmenting human consciousness, assigning man the role of an anxious, eternally dissatisfied, insatiably aggressive point in space, does everything to center a person on himself, as on a fragment of reality, alienated from himself and the single space of life, supports the feeling of his limitations and inferiority, increasing his fears, constantly questions well-being, through the denial of the perfection of being, while true perfection the ability to experience and transmit existential, factual integrity, the unity of the I-form and I-space, or in the language of the mystics, to be in grateful, loving, trusting contact with life, to freely manifest and allow others to manifest themselves as they are, to transmit the healing meditativeness of perception, to be in constant contact with God, who is the space that allows everything to be. I work with anxiety, panic, depression, feelings of despair, emptiness.
