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Excerpts from practical history. “Pegasus and the Dragon.” Part 1. There is no one ideal technique in consulting a client. How so? And like this! In order to prepare a delicious dish, you need ingredients from 5 to 25. Even tea consists of 15 types of different herbs, creating an inimitable aroma and pleasure for the one who drinks it. (I love those). It’s the same in therapy. Every second client wants to quickly receive a “Sacred Pendel” in one hour in the form of a snap of the fingers and voila, you’re healthy and happy buddy, nothing inside hurts anymore and all your problems that you’ve accumulated throughout your life are solved! ILLUSION!!! It lasts for a day or two, then it hits with greater force. That's right! Many people live in this illusion and dream world that in one hour of consultation this psychologist will solve all the problems, and then he will go out into the world happy and start messing around again, and then he will come to you and you will sort out his problems and in an hour how the fakir with daggers again deploys 32 psychotherapy techniques to pull this unfortunate man out of his own minefield built by himself. Yes. There are exceptions and talented clients who are immediately eager to fight with their fears and heaps of grievances; there are only a few of them. So we’re hot on our heels, maybe my results will be useful to someone. I will say sincerely and many people know me as a tactful and reserved person. I am a very positive person, but I am lively and I have always hated flattery. I prefer to delicately, literally speaking, tell a person the truth where and in what place he is at the moment. - One of my clients, pretty battered by grievances, complaints, melancholy and laziness to change anything, revealed that a cold shower in the form of truthful results is cruel and creepy for her .What did you want? Did you want a psychologist to lick you at every consultation and tell you that you are the Goddess of utopias of a mythical pseudo life where there is not a word of truth, but only the stench and dirt heart-rendingly pouring out from your lips, splashed on those around you with verbal bile? You want to live in a stinking environment and be happy, and at the same time your face is so callous from malice, anger and envy that the corners of your lips do not rise in a smile for 10 years, and your face and body resemble a wax figure from the 18th century. Where from such a body comes the smell of old junk lying in a rotten chest. Who will do the work on your mistakes for you? Day after day, do you dance on a rake with a shamanic tambourine, singing your heart-rending song about an unhappy life and want miracles in one meeting? This doesn't happen. Part 2. I see different stories every day and have stopped being surprised by many things. And sometimes I catch myself thinking that after the first 10 minutes of communication, you can already draw the line and give the person homework. Yes, that's homework! After all, if he doesn’t do it for himself, no one will do it for him. Nothing will happen ! There will be no positive dynamics! There will be no joy and shine if you don’t soberly and sternly say to yourself: “STOP KILLING YOUR LIFE”!!!!!! At such moments, it seems that people, like birds that have fallen from the nest, with frightened eyes and mouths slightly open in horror, are waiting for you, like a magician, to change their lives with one word, gesture or action through technology. Yes, in rare cases, this happens if a person is on the same wavelength with you and is ready to quickly change the situation and tries very hard to follow all the instructions. But others, waiting by the sea for the weather, remember all the punctures and hurtful words that were said to them throughout their lives, but do not remember anything good! And by twisting this ethereal dirt into the fist of consciousness, a person creates for himself, without realizing it, a cobweb network in which he seals himself for many years and becomes blind and deaf, not realizing that he himself has turned into an ethereal consumer without living feelings. Pure energy leaves and only dark, viscous, all-consuming energy remains, devouring the remnants of hope in a person. All this seems similar to the preface to some Hollywood thriller or even a much more “fun” horror film. And here is the most interesting thing. Many people do thisThey live for years walking in circles of their web, quietly plunging into doubt and hopelessness. But we all know very well that there is always a way out and at least 2 ways out of any situation, and in the case of psychotherapy there is a whole complex of techniques, exercises, tasks, systems, energy practices that help to get out of any life dead end or labyrinth. But this takes “TIME”. And here it is important to understand one more point: that all people are different, everyone’s stories are different, and what helped one another may be little or difficult. And here we need sacred ethereal silence and purity. As a kind of asceticism for the Soul, listening to silence a person understands what he needs at this very moment and where he is going. And in this silence, one violin string of the Soul, on which, as Paganini once played, led hundreds of spectators into an ecstasy of bliss and happiness, many of whom were afraid of the genius and fell into shock from his playing. So everyone can, on their own violin string, as if in some way, you help yourself by asking and listening to the Soul what it wants, making additional efforts step by step with special techniques to remove the shackles and burden of mistakes, pain, resentment, fear and disappointment, burning out the past through conscious actions. And putting the final point as a finishing curtsey, begin to live in a new way, open your heart and accept new things into your biography. After all, if you don’t do it, you won’t experience the pleasure and joy of getting rid of those old grievances that once someone didn’t let you eat a hot roll on a frosty winter day and called you chubby, etc. All this can be solved, you just need to want to be grateful to those events and people who created that situation for you and see its value. After all, it was given to you for a reason. And this is valuable. And when you see the numerous advantages received from this, you will be pleasantly surprised that it was this story that helped you acquire new qualities in yourself such as perseverance, diligence, generosity, attention to detail and much more. Start thanking YOURSELF for all this, accepting everything new that comes with gratitude. And having already had past experience, being picky with your surroundings and respecting your opinions and your feelings. Why do I tell you all this. Often people fall out of the reality of the present into the past and for years, decades, live in an ephemeral illusory world made up of the grievances of the past. I’ll say right away that this is a utopia leading to illness and self-destruction. Part 3. You and only you can put an end to it and, no matter how thorny the path, with the last of your strength, like an athlete at the finish line, complete this masochistic path leading to death in relationships and collapse in business! You and only you determine for yourself the purity of vibrations on which you will communicate with your surroundings! And finally, only you have the power to CHANGE this! Negativity was, is and will be for the universal balance, like good and evil, like war and peace - that’s what world balance. This is the law. And we can control it for ourselves, so that passions do not go off scale. There is no need to climb into every window and shout about your failures and promote yourself by gathering crowds of fans nervously discussing your problems. To each his own, without condition, but let's preserve the culture in communication and through patience and tact be a little more alive. We are all now living in the ethereal "SHOW BEHIND THE GLASS" of our laptop or phone screens, where every 5th person tries to copy or repeat another and how bad the printer rivets his life in black and white, forgetting to ask himself the most important thing: “Is this what my Soul asks for?” . And only each of us has the right to choose how much you are ready to flirt with your life? If you get too carried away, you may not have time to return to reality. Remember, I already wrote “Life is not a Game” before. And always in any story there comes a finale and an aftertaste, and only YOU decide how colorful and tasty it will be! What does Pegasus and the dragon have to do with it? I just liked the statue! Walking through the park, filming on camera, I seemed to catch the invisible clear actions of Pegasus, who, in defense, powerfully and confidently drove the evil dragon into the ground. Proving to himself and the whole world that he is).
