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All our external achievements have an internal origin. They are the result of our desires, aspirations, fears and impulses, behavior, reasoning and our contact with other people. Everything outside is the fruit of our Self. Therefore, by knowing ourselves and controlling ourselves, we gain a different reality. For self-knowledge, there are many different ways, practitioner, methodology. And along the way, you can partially change, by a fraction of a percent. Through awareness and acceptance. Psychotherapy is the same as transferring from walking speed to a sports car, with a professional navigator sitting next to you. This exciting trip can be from two starting points:1. Things are bad, I can’t seem to cope2. Everything is ok with me, I want to do better. Most often people come from point #1, because... need/pain is the most effective motivator for action. And few people think that psychotherapy also helps to expand, to grow in the level of quality of life, to increase income, even if a hard blow does not happen. This is something that always pays off. In my practice, this is possible in 100% of cases. No matter what you work with, you cultivate strength in yourself. And then you direct it to where it is needed, where it was missing. This is the most important marker of quality work with a specialist; you really see changes in your life, objectively and financially. Therefore, I would like to say: if it seems to you, then it doesn’t seem to you. If you feel that your therapist/stylist/cosmetologist/mentor/massage therapist/etc. (underline as appropriate) does something incomprehensible and instead of being satisfied with the results, you compromise with yourself, justifying it, then finally choose yourself. You are the only one in your life, the best, beloved and unique. And it is in your best interests to be in the best and strongest relationship with yourself. Love begins from within and only then can it go out into the world. Treat yourself to it and everything will come true in the best way for you. Everything that should be will definitely come when you clear the area for it. I wish you all the best ❤️
