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There are many different standards in the world. For example, a second equal to 9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom and many different standards are taken as a time standard. But....you will not find the only and main standard anywhere and never. This is the standard of your internal state. This is the state in which we feel comfortable. All the signals that you receive from the world around you and that your senses send you in this very state should be only positive and pleasant. You should like everything: the sensations you experience, the sounds you hear, what you see in front of you. yourself, that is, visual images, the smell that you can smell, the taste that you feel, as well as the very state of your body. The most pleasant and harmonious signals come from all your senses. Every person has been in this state at least once in his life. It doesn’t matter when, it doesn’t matter where, but once is enough for our subconscious to remember this very state and, if necessary and desire, reproduce it. To do this, you just need to remember the situation where you were completely happy, harmonious with yourself, you were literally satisfied everyone, you were filled with joy and delight. This could be any event in your life. Falling in love, meeting, getting married, having your child, getting what you have dreamed of for so long. You felt your best, you felt very good and wanted nothing more than to prolong this feeling longer. You were confident, calm, happy, free. In your reference state, you experienced complete comfort and well-being. This can be compared to having “butterflies in the stomach.” When clients come to me, I almost always ask them to remember this reference state. 90% experience a hitch. People forget when they were happy, but they remember their failures very well. But fortunately, an insight occurs, and the person exclaims: “OOO!!!! I remember!!!!” His face breaks into a smile, his eyes begin to shine, he is transformed. I don’t ask what he remembered, that’s his personal business, but it’s very nice for me to see it. You can make your reference state your constant “companion.” Delve into your memory, the memories of your childhood, youth, and maybe even more mature age. In any case, during this period you were healthy, happy, successful, you were proud of yourself. Remember this period in more detail, find in it the moment that seems best and brightest to you, this is the peak of your happiness. There should not be any hint of something negative and unpleasant for you. You need to remember this episode not in a detached way, but you need to immerse yourself in it, relive it at the level of sensations. As I tell my clients: “Bathe” in this state. Remember literally all the little things that were so pleasant and joyful for you at that moment, all your feelings and emotions. Remember what you saw, what smells were present, what you heard , what sounds there were, pull out from your subconscious your ability to be happy. Entering the reference state gives a lot, you become stronger, you understand that you can experience happiness, joy, calmness and confidence. With the help of this state you can regulate your mood when. you need it. Our subconscious always responds and remembers everything and knows what you need, you just need to turn to it. In this state, you can check your desire in the present time. By entering the reference state, start thinking about your desire or choosing what. or if, thinking about this, your condition does not change, then your desire is truly yours, but if you begin to experience discomfort and your condition begins to change for the worse, you need to think about whether what you want is yours. I wish everyone happiness!
