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Let's designate the story as follows: During sex with my wife, I got used to imagining other women... At this point, let's put an ellipsis and analyze the information already available. Firstly, you have a good imagination, which cannot not to please. It is possible that in addition to problems in your marriage, you have a great prospect for a career in the creative industry. Secondly, sleeping with one woman and imagining another is real cognitive dissonance. The interesting thing is that you induce it yourself. That is, you personally drive yourself crazy. Can a man who has gone crazy save and enhance his marriage? Personally, my opinion is unlikely. Let's consider the options: whose faces and for what reason do husbands put on the faces of their wives. Option 1. I imagine another one so as not to cum longer. In this option, the man knows that he has the sin of premature ejaculation. For most men, this fact causes a feeling of guilt and an inferiority complex. The imposed images of a “real man,” among other things, claim that a man should have sex for hours. At the same time, self-doubt is reinforced by a woman who rolls her eyes 🙄 and hints that she has already solved this problem. A man read somewhere that you can hack sex and began to practice putting disgusting faces on the beautiful face of his beloved. Is this useful? Definitely not. If you continue to follow this path, then the matter will end in impotence. Sooner or later, the body will come into agreement with the consciousness and refuse to have sexual intercourse with: orcs, trolls and ugly saleswomen from the nearest store. Doctors and pills can help you. Ideally, you need to go to a sexologist and solve the problem. As a rule, such issues are resolved quickly. Option 2. I introduce another one to finish. In this case, the opposite trend is observed. A man cannot achieve what he took off his panties for. Sex for him becomes, at best, exercise, and at worst, torture. It happens that such a man imitates an orgasm in order to quickly get rid of this matter, then goes to the bath, turns on his imagination and finishes what he started. But this does not always work out because a male orgasm must have material confirmation. Therefore, we have to superimpose the image of another woman onto the image of the partner. There are many reasons why a man cannot finish with his woman. Among them: Stagnation in relationships when sex has become a routine. Offense against a woman. For example, she cheated on you or you guess about cheating. You cannot accept and forgive. You can’t end the relationship, so you can’t finish. Stress not related to the woman. Work, midlife crisis, lost all the money on bets. In short, my head is occupied with something else. You are tense and unable to relax. In any case, fantasies about replacing the image of a partner are a consequence of psychological problems. Until you decide that you need to deal with them, you can forget about personal happiness and happiness in marriage. You won't be able to cheat for long. The tension will result in a quarrel(s) with your partner or, which is not very good, in impotence. Option 3. The wife is ugly In this case, the man either initially married a girl who did not suit him physically. The motto “Tolerate - to fall in love” has not been canceled. As a rule, in such relationships, a man has a mistress, but from time to time, a man’s duty has to be fulfilled. So he puts the image of a beautiful mistress on the face of his ugly wife. In the absence of a mistress, a porn actress will do. Or a man marries a woman who suits him physically, but over time her appearance changes. As a person she is good, but as a sexual partner she is completely creepy. Let's not rush and blame the woman for everything. After all, changes for the worse took place under your strict leadership. Having children is also not just her whim. It was with you that she became like this. In this case, a serious conversation is required. I understand that it’s scary to start one, but what’s the solution. It is necessary to directly identify the wife's problem. Offer your help in.
