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Everything that is accidental for the mind is not accidental for consciousness... In order not to experience pain, the mind will hide negative emotions further and deeper into the depths unconscious, making us only more painful, because the soul lives there... The higher our level of consciousness, the wider the circle of people with whom we can be happy in relationships... If a person with a high level of consciousness does not develop, he suffers much more, than a person who has a lower...Awareness, if this is not the norm of life, is actively manifested in two extreme states: in meditation, when adrenaline is at zero, or in a short-term critical life-threatening situation, when adrenaline simply goes off scale, time stops, reactions and feelings are heightened , and all the body’s defenses are aimed at only one thing - to survive... What we think about others on a conscious level, we think the same about ourselves, only unconsciously... The more superficial the level of consciousness, the less we notice connections between people and objects , events and feelings, the deeper - the more, and at the deepest level - Everything is Connected to Everything. The instinct of self-preservation and awareness become allies only when a real threat to life arises... Development is moving forward, but at a high level of consciousness, we we develop in all directions at the same time... The lower the level of consciousness, the more it seems to us that we know, the higher, the more we understand that the less we know... Events themselves are motionless, lifeless and empty until time gives them a countdown , space - volume, mass - weight, energy - movement, consciousness - meaning... We will not find unconscious moments of the present in the past... A person with knowledge can be a teacher, a person with conscious knowledge is already a teacher... Despite even the high level of consciousness, there are always two parts in us, one of which believes that happiness cannot be bought with money, and the second, nevertheless, will check it.. The basis of knowledge is the mind, the basis of awareness is the unconscious... Awareness of the past changes the consciousness of the present... Rising through steps up the level of consciousness, you can reach the celestials... The process of awareness sometimes changes the idea of ​​oneself in such a way that it can cause a shock, which will be perceived by the unconscious as a threat and the further process of awareness will be blocked for the purpose of self-preservation... The path of awareness is endless, the path of the mind is short, just like himself...Awareness is not a thought, sensation, emotion and understanding, but all of this, only at the same time...Time can be stretched with the help of awareness or pain...If the physical can be touched, the mind can be felt, then consciousness should simply be accepted...How often do we we continue to look for what we have already found, only because we have not realized it…
