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“Zoroastrianism. Fiery Worlds", Practical Application. Part 1. Result - in a matter of minutes Men know how difficult it is to go shopping with their charming halves. Yes, and our lovely ladies would gladly rid themselves of our sad faces, but shopping ourselves is so boring, “right, dear?” The choice of blouses, handbags, hairpins, shoes rarely follows the well-known principle of “I came, I saw and I bought.” So this time - after three fittings I still couldn’t find the right size, after the fifth - there were no colors left to choose from, on the seventh... my brain gave the error “Buffer overflow...” and began to reboot, ceasing to monitor the progress of the process. Everything that happened foreshadowed a disappointing transition to the next store... in a large shopping center. I wanted something completely different - a cool shower and silence. And then the rebooted mind jubilantly remembered a number of unusual small, rapid miracles of just the last three days. How I took tickets and the cashier canceled his break because of me; how the aggression of an alcoholic getting into a fight with a neighbor was removed in seconds; how joyfully the old woman smiled at the incomprehensible luck when she suddenly received the long-awaited documents that she had been waiting for for more than three years; how in minutes the mood of a psychologically tired mother changed, who suddenly asked to take a walk along the picturesque hills and looked with pleasure at the sunset from a peak that she herself would not have gone to... There was no point in continuing the flow of memories - the decision was ready. He closed his eyes, saw the image of the god Mithra, felt the flow of energy through his body and hands. He imagined the happy expression on his companion’s face when she found the most successful set of clothes at the same hour. I pretended that I didn’t know at all why the sales girl suddenly offered shorts of the same size and color, and a blouse from a completely different set. And here they are... “checkmate”! From the moment the zoro-frequency flow starts until the joyful “Super!” This is it! it took... only 4-5 minutes. Having exhaled calmly, I felt noticeable relief - the flow of energy “slept” quickly, now it’s time to go home! For many of my friends, it is absolutely incomprehensible what the dear reader has just learned. How can you “start the flow of energy”, how and why “visualize the end result”, how is it even possible to achieve a goal... without “breaking your forehead against the wall”. It turns out that it is possible. You just have to try!...Thanks to the Mexican shamans, who see the flows of energy as they flow in the Universe, we have received a new gift of Power - significantly enhanced and 100% correctly working nine Zoroastrian frequencies, which are now “collected” into powerful, narrowly focused energy beams, allowing you to achieve many of the desired results... in minutes. Vibrations of frequencies tuned to plasma structures traditional for MEF Intent quickly self-extinguish immediately after the operator “removes” attention. Due to the extraordinary power of energies, operators and those wishing to undergo attunement are subject to special requirements in preparation for attunement and the process of working with Zoroastrian frequencies of the “Zoroastrianism. Fiery Worlds” project. In the block of frequencies of the first stage, transmitted by MEF Intent, only frequencies that fundamentally carry positive, creative energy are left to seers. Those who are familiar with “classical” Zoroastrianism, for example, will immediately see that the frequencies “A(h)Riemann” and Rausch, which carry exclusively “negativity,” are not on our list. DESCRIPTION OF FREQUENCIES1. MITHRA - God of loyalty, oath, order and justice A powerful universal frequency. Works for all possible situations, for the implementation of Intentions. Combines well with other zoro, ken frequencies, Pacal Votan, runes. It should be remembered that the result will be guaranteed, but in a form that best suits this particular situation. It is wrong to believe that absolutely any of your WISHES will come true - when using the Mithra frequency, “everything should be laid out gently!” For example, your request maydecide quickly and positively, but in our own original, incomprehensible way in a situation of a social nature, but the neighbor’s dog, which is preventing you from sleeping, will not shut up even after half an hour of “pushing” the frequency. If you tried, and she continues to bark, it’s probably right now that this is necessary for the world around us. In Iranian mythology, one of the most famous supreme gods.2. HUBBI - Goddess of Water Due to its specificity, it “works” well with any liquids. Similar to the Golden Pyramid, it allows you to quickly change the weather locally. You can work to charge fluids and improve the health of internal organs. Works especially well with feminine energy. There is experience in harmonizing relations between a man and a woman. “May the sacred waters help me...”. The original word from Turkic is Love. 3. DEEN - Sacred Fire A powerful cleansing frequency with a wide spectrum of action. Removing irritation, negative attitude, direct aggression. Cleaning of premises. You can try to protect, clean the territories - you need sufficient personal strength. As with everything, a developed concentration of attention is important. It relieves depression well and lifts your spirits. Situationally relieves complexities and helps get rid of blocks in relationships. It interacts well with CEN frequencies, complementing and accelerating the achievement of effects, both in the social sphere and in healing. 4. MAX - Moon Deity Pleasant, powerful frequency. Suitable for relieving headaches, insomnia, stopping internal dialogue, and getting rid of obsessive ideas. Conducive to reflection, meditation, calming the nervous system. Good for use before starting important affairs and undertakings. It can be used to obtain information, “knowledge without words.” Allows you to achieve sufficient detachment in order to avoid biased judgments, the influence of your own illusions and expectations on the choice of the right decision or action. The feminine, maternal principle is associated with frequency, giving birth, losing light, governing the night world and sleep. A very good frequency when working with children under 7 years of age and the elderly. - - - The moon is responsible for the hidden causes of events, influences deep unconscious processes, corresponds to the human soul, his subconscious. The moon is the mistress of hidden natural forces, a heavenly wanderer, illuminating our path in the dark. In ancient Persian - Max 5. HUMO - Goddess (bird) of happiness A magnificent Zoroastrian frequency that brings positivity, good mood and improved well-being. It develops situations in such a way that the Intention to achieve a successful outcome of an event, to achieve a result that is important to you, is achieved, albeit not in the shortest way, but in the most painless and flexible way. Don’t “push” the situation, listen to the signs that will appear in the process of using this energy - and you will achieve happiness, good luck and prosperity in the best possible way. - - - - - -The brief meaning of Alisher Navoi’s poem “The Language of Birds” will be able to show you the deep essence of the nature of many phenomena and the potential of this Zoroastrian frequency: “... once the birds decided to fly to God, but none of them knew the way there, although some of them, such as Hoopoe, then Pheasant, tried to lead this flight, but it always ended in failure. And then the birds turned to the magical bird, her name was Humo. It was all made of bronze, even the feathers. She definitely knew the way. After much persuasion, she finally agreed to guide the birds to their goal. But she warned that only the most resilient will reach the place, and most importantly - those who firmly believe in success. The birds' path ran through six rooms, where various tests awaited them: a room of fire, a room of cold, a room of untold riches, a room of darkness, etc. Not everyone managed to reach the last room: some had their wings singed, others could not withstand the cold, and others' health failed. But still, the hardiest and luckiest birds flew intothe last room and, looking back, saw something that made them think deeply and rethink everything they knew before...” The bird Khumo, in historical works is called Semurg, “Davlat kushi” (Bird-state) and “Kultubulgan” (Sun bird). Khumo means bringer of happiness, and along with the ancient holiday of Navruz, this legendary bird has gained fame as a symbol of saving power, nobility and selflessness. It, like nothing else, corresponded to the aspirations of ancient Asia for peace, kindness, happiness and prosperity. 6. ANAHITA - Goddess of abundance. Kind and strong feminine energy of this frequency, with a properly concentrated “detached” approach, successfully works to increase financial wealth and increase well-being. Calms. She has proven herself well in matters of relationships, resolving “matters of the heart,” finding common points of contact, and mutual understanding. Very creative energy. Used in the treatment of infertility. In this situation, it fits well with the Pakal Votan sessions. - - - Anahita is a mother goddess in ancient Armenian mythology, the goddess of fertility and love, daughter (or wife) of Aramazda. She was identified with the Persian Anahite, the ancient Greek Artemis or Aphrodite, the ancient Georgian Dali, the ancient Roman Diana and the ancient Egyptian Niiti. Historians call her the Great Lady, patroness and protector of the lands. Celebrations in her honor began the festival of harvest ripening during the celebration of Navasard (ancient Armenian New Year). She was considered the patroness of medicine. Pilgrims went to her temples to receive healing. A great Iranian goddess, related to Ishtar and other goddesses of the Middle East. It is associated with waters, ensures fertility and victory in battles.7. ESHMA - Demon of passion, lust, rage and jealousyEven a fork can be used in different ways. Using this Zoroastrian frequency allows you not only to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also to stop a potentially dangerous or unwanted act of sexual or other type of violence. When seducing, do not be led by emotions, think about the possible consequences. Powerful frequency for quickly stopping an attack of jealousy or real aggression. It relieves nervousness well, especially when it occurs in a group of people. Effectiveness when working with several people may depend on the level of your personal strength. Apply techniques for accumulating personal power. The frequency can be used to urgently increase sexual attractiveness, “promote” the ring of sexual energy – both your own and another person’s. 8. MIRIKH - God of War A powerful, fairly harsh frequency. Black White. Yin Yang. Allows you to find and consider the good aspects of the seemingly bad and strengthen them. Removes bindings. Breaks unnecessary, outdated connections. Helps when working with entities. Often gives a feeling of heroic strength. It works both for destruction and creation. “You can’t pour water into a full vessel,” sometimes it is necessary to deliberately destroy the old, go through a crisis in order to start building a new life stream from scratch. 9. YEDINE - DefenderPowerful frequency of global protection. Can be visualized as a shield, an impenetrable protective cocoon, armor. On the road, traveling, it is used as a protective environment, making you invisible to enemies and problems along the way. Can be used to calm various phobias (fears). The scope is as wide as you need it. Now the details: 1. Power. You begin to feel this from the first minutes of attunement. It is not in vain that the “seers” have provided and strongly recommend using the precautions and means of protection they suggested when working with the block of Zoroastrian frequencies (attuned to the plasma structure). 2. No blocking frequencies. Zoroastrian frequencies, attuned to the plasma structure, do not require blockingfrequency It seems strange - such powerful energies without a “switch”! It turns out that this is caused by the ability of this bundle of (Zoroastrian) energy threads to quickly self-extinguish. As soon as the operator stops holding the “Zoroastrian” frequency with his attention, the level of its vibrational activity sharply decreases, up to complete attenuation. 3. Creativity. It has been noted that the “Zoroastrian” frequency spectrum significantly increases a person’s ability to constructive, non-standard thinking and approaches. 4. Application. The breadth of application of the frequencies of the project “Zoroastrianism. Fiery Worlds" extends from solving social issues of everyday life (well-being, luck, love, welfare, relationship issues, work and business) to improving health and protecting oneself and one’s property (movable and immovable) from ill-wishers. 5. Combination with other technologies: - Pacal Votan The Zoroastrian frequency block combines extremely well with the technology of the ancient Mayans - Pacal Votan. The second component of this well-known healing technology, the “Hands of Light” technique, additionally opens and “expands” the channels for the passage of energy through the operator’s hands, which also allows for high-quality energy transfer to the energy body of the person being healed. - Cosmoenergetics Our experience in using KEN frequencies together with Zoroastrian energies is growing daily: Firast or Mama + Deen or Mirikh; Channel of Consecration of Items + HUMO or Anahita; Anael or Firast + ESHMA, etc. - Runes Each participant in the project “Zoroastrianism. Fiery Worlds”, even during the attunement process, noted a certain similarity with runic energies. Each of us received information about similar features of zoro frequencies and runes, as well as combinations that can be complementary. 6. Methods of working with energies. All available methods and techniques for working with energy technologies are possible - remotely, semi-contact, contact, using a phantom, using a photograph, through a pyramid. Special results can be achieved by working with the Zoroastrian egregor, through the flame of a candle. You can work with all Zoroastrian frequencies on situations and on yourself! 7. Speed ​​of manifestation of results. It was surprising and pleasant to experience the fact that in many situations of emergency use of Zoroastrian energies, a quick positive result was achieved both by using a combination of Zoroastrian frequencies with each other or combining them with the energies of other technologies, and with a one-time use of only the Zoroastrian frequency. We would like to additionally note that effectiveness is highly dependent on the precise specification of the intention and the degree of concentration of the operator’s attention on the task at hand. Taking into account the fact that in our world there is very high “inertia” and the results of actions are very rarely instantaneous (everything happens after some time), we state that there are many facts of achieving almost instantaneous results - within a few minutes. … Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest traditions in the world, ancient knowledge, as well as an extremely powerful, but also the least studied technology of the ancients. Participants in the MEF Intent have a lot of hard work ahead of them to gain experience in communicating with the most powerful creative forces of the Universe. The Wind of Change Center was one of the first to receive impeccable attunement with Zoroastrian energies in the central office from project manager Karina Alvorado, and began active practical work in Ukraine. Due to the simultaneous work of several divisions of MEF Intent in Russia and Ukraine and the constant exchange of experience, information on frequencies can not only be supplemented, but also changed, clarified by the results of experimental data. In the following articles we will begin to introduce you to the practical aspects and specific examples of the use of Zoroastrian energies. The breadth of application is not at all limited to the above examples. This is just a small part of the possibilities offered!
