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From the author: original article on my website I will not talk about what has been said hundreds of times, what has been written hundreds of times. But I would like to look at this issue from the point of view of psychotherapy and psychology, I would like to talk about this topic in “human language”. Forgive the author for his deliberate primitivism and refusal of professional terms. First, let’s turn to the “worldwide storehouse of knowledge” Wikipedia and see what definitions are given there: Coaching is a tool for personal and professional development, the formation of which began in the 70s of the 20th century. The origins of coaching lie in sports coaching, positive, cognitive and organizational psychology, in ideas about conscious living and the possibilities of constant and purposeful human development. There are many definitions of coaching, the most famous: Coaching is the art of creating, through conversation and behavior, an environment, which facilitates the movement of a person towards the desired goals, so that it brings satisfaction. Coaching is the process of creating conditions for the full development of the client's personality by the coach. Coaching is the art of promoting the performance, learning and development of another person. Coaching is an ongoing relationship that helps people to achieve exceptional results in their lives, careers, business or public affairs. Through coaching, clients expand the scope of their knowledge, increase the efficiency and quality of their lives. Types of coaching Differ by area of ​​application 1) Career coaching - consulting in the field of career development and business efficiency of people: choosing a profession, finding a better job and employment, moving up the career ladder, achieving high indicators in professional activities.2) Business coaching - support for entrepreneurial and managerial activities. Usually for top managers of companies and management teams. Most effective when working with strategic and systemic aspects of the enterprise. And also in times of crisis, to find non-standard solutions and new ways of business development. 3) Life coaching or personal effectiveness coaching. Help in shaping a person’s private life, achieving personal goals and personal well-being. The most common topics of life coaching: development of personal image, charisma, promotion in society, family building, informal leadership, etc. Coach - a specialist, trainer who conducts training. Client - a person or organization ordering training services for any skills. A session is a specially structured conversation between a trainer and a client. Now, having defined the basic concepts and terms, the subject of further conversation becomes clearer to us. Or is it not entirely clear yet? Then in your own words: there is a certain client (usually a manager or shareholder of the Company) who would like to improve the quality of his life, who strives for self-development, who is not indifferent to issues of self-improvement, who has accumulated a lot of questions in the field of human relations, who would like to be an excellent leader and the best family man who reads professional literature in an attempt to find answers to his questions. And there is a coach, a person who has a certain amount of knowledge, has life experience, masters a number of techniques, often has a psychological education and special training, a specialist in a certain field. So why shouldn’t they be useful to each other? Now a little about psychology. There is an opinion that people with psychological education become coaches, and there is some truth in this. Now answer this question: how do we achieve success? What brings us real satisfaction from life? What is company management and people management? What is the secret of the people who revolutionized business? There is only one answer to this question: relationships. All we have in life is our relationships with other people, everything we get in this life, wewe get thanks to our relationships. To achieve global goals, we need a team of associates. We experience a feeling of happiness and peace when there is a warm relationship and a feeling of love. Managing the Company and managing people means building your own relationships, relationships within the Company. Revolutions were possible because there was a leader who had a new idea, gathered followers around him and led the way. You may ask: where is the psychology here? I will answer: psychology deals with issues of relationships, how we build them, who we are and what we represent. Now a few words about resources, because most of the managers with whom I had to communicate are absolute materialists and are far from “ high matters." How often can you hear the slogan “personnel decide everything!” and how little testing there is behind it. It just so happens that in this world there are only a few types of resources: financial (every businessman understands this perfectly well), material (well, what about without fixed assets and means of production?), human (there seems to be an understanding, but is rarely valued as a resource), In the 21st century, another resource has become obvious - information. Now audit your resources! Most likely, you will be able to calculate your financial resources quite well, especially if you have a good financial director and excellent accounting. You will be able to assess your material assets (condition and performance of equipment, availability of necessary premises and transport) and they are well managed by the production manager. But do you know your human resource, what condition it is in, what its level is, how it lives and what motivates it, how much money you have invested and how much return you have received. The maximum you can say is how much it costs you at the moment, simply by voicing the size of the wage fund, and a couple of general human estimates. That, perhaps, is all the meager information about this valuable resource. How can a coach help? Meetings 1-2 times a week for an hour and a payment of 50-100 dollars per hour of work - that’s all the investment needed to begin the enormous changes that will befall your life after some time. Sounds too simple and too promising? Don't flatter yourself! How often have people come to the gym wanting to re-create their body and take lessons from excellent instructors, and just as often they quit after achieving little results or being disappointed with the long hours of “working hard”. Coaching is, first of all, serious and painstaking work that the client himself has to do, and a coach in this matter will help achieve results with minimal losses and warn against mistakes. And remember, not all the great coaches who trained world champions were champions themselves, but they know how to achieve this! I often, due to the nature of my profession, had to observe how the personal problems of the head of the Company forced him to repeatedly change course, how the business boat was rocked and team members found themselves overboard, I had to see conspiracies against the “captain” and “hanging on the yards”, I witnessed serious wrecks when large ships crashed on reefs and were thrown aground. And in all these cases there were objective reasons, careless “boatswains and sailors”, broken compasses and incorrect maps, the machinations of enemies and competitors, in the end even the ocean was “wrong”, but almost never the leader had the courage to admit the fact that much of this situation was done by his hands. It is very difficult to admit the obvious fact that who we are today is the result of our actions and choices of us yesterday. And what we have today is entirely our achievement. If you can't go on vacation because you're afraid that everything will fall apart and you'll stop working and your employees will stay home, then you've created this situation! If you have achieved your youthful dreams and gained financial independence, but at the cost of your family relationships and friendships with people, then you have chosen the wrong means! If at your peak
