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Imagine that you are sitting, and in front of you is a beautiful chest. You open it, and there are many, many valuables in it! Only they are not simple. Everyone who opens this magical chest will see something different. Take a closer look, every item that is there means something to you. It expresses your value in life. It may be difficult for you to determine it on your own, so I will come to the rescue and provide you with a list of what it could be that people value most often. Source is M. Rokeach's list. You can also take the test and prioritize them using the link - M. Rokeach’s Test for Value Orientations And here are the examples themselves: Active active life (fullness and emotional richness of life) Life wisdom (maturity of judgment and common sense achieved through life experience) Health ( physical and mental) Interesting work Beauty of nature and art (experience of beauty in nature and art) Love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one) Financially secure life (lack of material problems) Having good and loyal friends Social recognition (respect for others, team, colleagues) Cognition (the opportunity to expand one’s education, horizons, general culture, intellectual development) Productive life (maximum full use of one’s capabilities, strengths and abilities) Development (work on oneself, constant physical and spiritual improvement) Freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions) Happy family life Happiness of others (welfare, development and improvement of other people, the entire nation, humanity as a whole) Creativity (the opportunity to engage in creativity) Self-confidence (inner harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts) Pleasure (pleasant, easy pastime, lack of responsibilities, entertainment) You can choose a picture, smell, sound, sensation in the body or just an association for each value. All together or something separately. It is also interesting to imagine what it would be like for you if some item disappeared from your chest. Or what would you choose if only 5 items fit in the chest? And if you think about how, through what actions and deeds this or that value is manifested in your life? How else could it manifest itself? It happens that a person does not know what is valuable to him, or most valuable. In general, values ​​can change as we gain experience, at different stages of life. For those who like to learn and explore themselves, I suggest conducting a series of behavioral experiments: 1) Write down all or several unusual or incomprehensible values ​​2) Write down how they could be expressed 3) Start performing these actions 4) Evaluate for myself, how do I feel about this? How do I feel when this comes into my life? Is it getting better, worse, or doesn’t change at all? For example, I will choose to analyze the beauty of nature and art. An image comes to me of me walking through the Hermitage, or sitting alone in a cinema, or maybe lying on the sofa and listening to classical music with my eyes closed, feeling and visualizing each sound. How do I feel when this appears in my life? Personally, I become more empathetic, experience peak experiences more often, can disconnect from pressing problems, experience hidden feelings and my brain begins to produce new ideas. Life with this value clearly becomes better, but on the other hand, I don’t need this to be present in my life every day. If you read the article to the end and liked it, please leave a thank you, subscribe to my updates and share your impressions in the comments)
