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Assessing statistics, we can talk about global changes. The number of children who can be called “special children” or “children with special needs”, or as they are also called “very special children”, has increased. There are many more children with speech disorders, autism, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). And these changes are happening not only in our country. There is a very interesting pattern: the higher the standard of living in a country, the more acute and to a greater extent these problems manifest themselves in children. If you try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, you can talk quite a lot. I really want to attribute all the negative changes to the deterioration of the environmental situation, which, unfortunately, we cannot influence. However, there are a number of factors that we, adults, can change. If we look at modern research, most of it indicates that over the past few thousand years man himself has not changed much, but over the past century our way of life and thoughts has changed very much. Looking at modern children, we see that they spend a huge amount of time on computers, televisions and various gadgets. Children stopped walking, playing outside, and in general, they have practically no time to play. And if we add to this the fact that no one actually teaches them to play? Moms and dads have turned into taxi drivers, taking children to clubs and sections, to classes with various specialized specialists. But, despite this, very often, the formation of children’s speech is still disrupted. Here I would like to say that not only the formation of speech as a means of communication suffers, but the communicative function as a type of activity of a modern child suffers. The child refuses to come into contact with peers, to play, or to carry out any activities together with them. So what is really happening? According to the pediatric neurologist, founder and permanent director of the neurological center “Prognoz” O.I. Efimova, there are three main problems affecting this situation: - physical inactivity; - change in traditional family culture; - overstimulation with visual information. “The impact of hypodynamism on a child begins in the prenatal period of development. The times when peasant women gave birth during haymaking are over. Many expectant mothers believe that during pregnancy they need to lie down more and move less. And because of this, the fetus does not receive the sensory stimulation necessary for the formation of the brain. But already at an early age, the child begins to watch TV, receiving an impact on the brain in the form of an uncontrolled flow of visual information. Turning on cartoons is the easiest way to neutralize a child’s activity that disturbs adults. But it is precisely this activity that is so necessary for the full development of the brain. The trouble is that by the term “development” most parents understand only learning to read, write, count, and a foreign language. At the same time, important stages of the formation of the vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems for the nervous system are missed. It is these three systems that are the basis for sensorimotor integration, the formation of the child’s motor activity, his thinking and speech. Families have changed too. Grandparents now work and live separately from their grandchildren. They no longer know how to sing lullabies and tell stories. Moms and dads too: firstly, they don’t know how, secondly, they don’t want to, thirdly, they don’t have time. Even the nature of children's food has changed, although we do not notice it. Carrots and apples, which needed to be nibbled and chewed, were replaced by puree from a jar, which only needed to be swallowed. And this also has a bad effect on the development of the articulatory apparatus. Life has changed, the structure of problems in child development has changed. Only the way to solve these problems remains the same. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t always bring the expected results?” Efimov O.I., Efimova V.L. 15 myths about children's speech. Dialogues between a neurologist and speech therapist aboutchildren's speech., 2016. The system of training specialists remains the same. Speech therapy and defectology remain unchanged and traditional. This is why, as we often hear from parents, we have been going to a speech therapist for a year now, and the results are minimal. According to our statistics, the vast majority of children who come for consultations to our Center have lesions and underdevelopment of sensory and motor systems. Some of these children are “non-speaking” or have profound speech impairments, and as a result, these children do not use active speech as a means of communicating with the environment. It is for this reason that children with this type of impairment are not able to adequately perceive, manipulate and respond to their environment, which makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to independently master it, i.e. natural learning, they often say about such children: they have an adaptation disorder. As a result, children need a special specialized approach to their development and learning. By and large, almost all children visiting our Center have a sensory basis of disorders, which means difficulties in processing sensory information such as movement, sound and visual information, taste and etc. These difficulties make the life of the child and his loved ones difficult, and sometimes even unbearable, since most often these disorders manifest themselves in the child’s behavior (social, educational, speech, communication, etc.) Rich experience of domestic and foreign research in the field of physiology, psychology, defectology, speech therapy, neuropsychology (E. Jean Ayres, N.A. Bernstein, A. Bundy, E. Murray, L.S. Vygotsky, A.F. Luria, A.V. Seminovich, Zh.M. Glozman , B.A. Arkhipova, L.N. Enenkova, etc.) and our practical experience of working with such children allows us to conclude that combining the child’s sensory experience with words and actions is the first and main step to knowledge of the world around us. Thus, multisensory stimulation of a child’s “starving” brain is an effective and universal method of accelerating and enhancing its development, maturation and recovery. All parts of the central nervous system work in a coordinated manner, transmitting information from one part to another. We can see this by observing children: touch helps to see, vision helps to maintain balance, balance helps to feel the position of the body in space and move, movement helps to learn. The brain constantly needs stimulation; it is this stimulation that excites the brain and creates functional activity in it. And then it becomes possible to breathe, absorb food, various movements, speech, reading, writing, etc. This conviction became the basis for the specialists of our Center to develop a system of correctional and developmental assistance for children based on stimulation of sensory systems. It is based on an integrated interdisciplinary approach to Corrective and developmental work is based on the understanding of the hierarchy of the child’s neuro-psychological development, which is the basis for the development of all sensory-motor functions. Intensive stimulation of children's sensory development produces high-quality results even in severe cases of impairment. Thanks to the intensity, frequency and duration of stimulation passing through the sensory channels, the child’s brain develops. It is an integrated approach that is an effective means of overcoming intellectual, physical, physiological barriers hindering the development of a child, because this is the only way to make a differentiated diagnosis and develop an effective system of individual development. When developing an individual program for the correction and development of a child with disabilities, we proceed from determining his zone of proximal development based on the sensorimotor level, which is the basis for the development of all his mental functions. The main thing when drawing up a program is to determine the child’s strengths, his zone of proximal development and special needs. The novelty of the approach in the work of our Center lies in the creation of a systemic complex of diagnostic, correctional and developmental.
