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Hello! I have encountered something incomprehensible in my life. Almost the same situation at different time intervals evokes completely different feelings. One time she caused a storm of emotions (including screaming, accusations of all mortal sins, then offense, termination of communication, etc.), and another time with the same person I accepted the situation calmly. And I liked the second option much more. I was wondering what stopped me from reacting like that the first time, and I realized that that time I didn’t have much strength. Both physical and emotional. And I decided to conduct an audit of the methods of gaining and losing strength. Here are the results of my work. We lose strength: · when we say “yes” when we wanted to say “no”, · when we smile instead of crying, · when we don’t rest, · when we persuade ourselves to endure a little longer, instead of understanding “For what bright purpose am I putting up with this now?” · when we are offended, instead of asking the person for what we need, · when we are minding our own business, · when the person is not interesting to you, and you for some reason... then for invented reasons you continue to communicate with him, · when people next to you talk about negativity most of the time, · when we talk a lot about politics, housing and communal services tariffs, traffic jams, etc. · when we gossip, · when we talk a lot and emotionally about how others live (most often you want to tell how poorly others live), · when we work in an uninteresting, boring job, · when we are afraid, · when you are waiting for someone to come (Father Frost, prince, oligarch Leopold) and your life will change, · when we scold ourselves, consider ourselves unworthy, inept, unsuccessful, · when someone considers you like that, and you agree with it. We gain strength when: · Meeting new people, · Gaining new knowledge, · Traveling, · Overcoming our fears, · Trying something new (for example, hairstyle or clothing style), · Taking a walk (not to be confused with “running to work”) "or we go to the store, namely, we walk without any specific purpose), · Flirting with men, · Doing creative work (painting, cross-stitching, making rolls with smoked sausage, etc. are suitable), · Communicating with nice people, · Chatting with people who support us and believe in us, · Taking care of our body (any body practice, a bathhouse, a swimming pool will do), · Freeing up physical space (remember how differently you feel in a renovated room), · Freeing up emotional space ( remember how you feel differently when you managed to forgive and say goodbye to a person), · We say “no” when you want to say “no” and say “yes” when you want to say “yes”, · When we start doing what what we want. Love yourself and your loved ones. PS If you have your own ways of gaining strength and energy, I will be glad if you share them with me. And here is a gift for you!
