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Very often, clients who turn to a psychologist for help expect a “magic pill”, a “miracle cure” from him, by taking which they will not need to work on themselves or change anything in their life. And it’s even better to be able to do something to a loved one without his knowledge. And he, as if by magic, will stop drinking, beating and cheating, will begin to love and pay attention, will obey and study well, etc. Taking this fact into account, I have been looking for such a remedy for a long time in various approaches and methods of psychotherapy, but, unfortunately, I have not found it. Fortunately, I was introduced to Edward Bach's flower therapy, which meets the needs of many clients. E. Bach (1886-1936) - English doctor, bacteriologist, homeopath. In the course of my medical practice, I noticed that people with certain somatic diseases are characterized by a certain type of personality and emotional state. Thus, he was convinced of one of the rules of homeopathy: “It is necessary to treat not the disease, but the person.” For this, E. Bach invented 7 nosodes (vaccines created based on the principle of homeopathy “like cures like” from bacteria). However, he did not like the fact that bacteria were used for treatment, and began searching for more environmentally friendly means and - he found it! E. Bach created 38 flower essences that help correct the most common negative emotional states and psychological types. His idea was that flowers, which have a certain energy, can change the energy of the body, a person, which, in turn, leads to recovery. Bach therapy is indicated for the following problems: - fears, anxieties, panic attacks, phobias (aero, agora, etc.); - low self-esteem, uncertainty, lack of self-acceptance, guilt; - irritability, jealousy, resentment; - depression, apathy , despair (even suicidal thoughts); - loneliness, lack of love; - laziness, procrastination, indecisiveness; - inability to learn from experience, repeating the same mistakes; - post-traumatic stress disorder (accident, violence) , grief; - addiction (alcohol, smoking, food, etc.) and codependency; - the whole range of psychosomatic disorders - migraines, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, etc. By the way, E. Bach was diagnosed with spleen cancer and given no more than 3 months to live, but after that he lived for about 20 more years. The advantages and disadvantages of E. Bach’s therapy are as follows: - essences do not suppress the symptom, but correct a person’s energy, allowing him to cope with the problem independently. But! They do not eliminate the cause of an emotional state or symptom; - poisonous plants are not used in the treatment, which eliminates overdose and side effects. But! A side effect may occur in the event of an allergic reaction of a particular person to a particular plant, or the drug may not have any effect at all; - essences are not addictive. But! It may take several weeks or months to correct complex problems; - suitable for solving a large number of psychological and somatic problems. But! Does not correct psychopathy, is not suitable if surgical intervention is necessary; - the person prescribing treatment with essences does not need to have training in homeopathy. But! It is advisable to understand psychology; - because, in addition to the placebo effect, the essences themselves have a beneficial effect, they can be used to help animals (longing for the owner, fearfulness, aggression, difficulties with learning skills). But! You can get feedback about the animal’s condition only by observing it; - to correct psychological and somatic problems, there is no need to deal with painful experiences, repressed traumas, or negative experiences. But! In some cases, exacerbations of symptoms or a situation may arise when.
