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We continue our journey along the path of femininity. While we are at the point - Girl. Let me remind you that the result of the development of the “girl” age stage is the ability to be friends with the world. Fighting is a necessary survival skill, and the ability to make friends is a significant skill for a happy life. Only by learning to be friends with boys can you interact with them in a quality manner - honestly, cleanly and beautifully. Friendship is the original format of interaction between the sexes, and, in principle, between people. The function of friendship is protection and support, the ability to stand back to back, the ability to be one. Friend - another me. A friend is a born diplomat in every woman, who can lead any conflict into a peaceful direction. This skill is very significant in life, and in completely different situations. It is the friend who can support her husband when he has failures in life or simply a difficult situation, when the warrior would rather finish off her man with ridicule, contempt and inability to support. A friend knows how to ask others, especially men, for help and support, and knows how to accept care from men about herself. Knows how to say “yes” and accept the terms of the game. She knows how to say “no” and gently defend her position. Today we will look at what tasks a girl solves in a relationship with a boy, although we have already started talking about them in the first article about a girl: The task of the “girl” age is to understand the essence of her feminine nature. The time has come for masculine energies to fade into the background and open up to feminine energies in the girl’s body. Accepting new energies, cognizing them and learning to master them, for the benefit of yourself and the world, are serious developmental tasks. The girl will have to accept the changes that have occurred in her body, accompanied by changes in her psyche, perception of the world and the way she interacts with it. She will learn to manage her emotions. The girl’s period lasts from the beginning of her period until the full maturation of all human bodies—up to 25 years, on average, about ten years are allotted for it. This is the age of self-knowledge, the qualitative result of which can be considered formed: the ability to trust, self-confidence, the ability to believe in yourself and your boyfriend, fidelity. Trust, confidence, faith, fidelity are words with the same root; they are united by the root “faith”. All of the above are the skills of love. What does the word "faith" mean? To know, to know, to have experience. Ra means light, pure energies, high vibrations, God. Faith is the knowledge of one’s divine nature, the unfolding of one’s potential. Faith = knowing the joy of your beautiful results in the course of honest and pure actions. The beauty of the result evokes joy within you, which in turn strengthens your belief in yourself, in your potential. In essence, this is the formula of Love: BEAUTY-JOY-FAITH. The ability to do something efficiently (honestly, cleanly and beautifully) generates self-confidence. For example: Let’s cook borscht with you. What will be honestly clean and beautiful in this action? honestly clean beautiful compliance with what we are preparing to the original recipe: we put all the necessary products, in good quality, in the right quantity, processes it as indicated in the recipe - it says - cut into strips - so we cut it)) clean : kitchen, dishes, products, we) maintain the time specified in the recipe for cooking the broth, etc. we direct all our attention and perception to cooking the borscht. If we do something honestly and cleanly, we will always get a beautiful result, which gives birth to joy inside , warmth in the chest area.
