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First, there are ways to make money that don't require much effort (bank deposit, for example). Second, there are business models that can be scaled indefinitely (alternatively, buying stocks sustainably working companies).But at the very beginning of your journey, you will have to forget about “passive income” and focus on growing your active income and monthly investments. First you create your habits, and then your habits create your life. Improve your life by changing your usual social circle. Don’t Do not underestimate the destructive influence of your pessimistic, unambitious or disorganized friends. If someone doesn't make you stronger, they make you weaker. Dose your communication with people, don't scatter yourself with everyone and everyone. A good friend doubles every joy and halves every defeat. Choose those whom you let into your life. If you want to become investor, then talk to investors. If you show me the people you surround yourself with, I can predict what kind of person you will become in 10 years and what your financial situation will be. Successful people are not born that way. They gradually become successful by developing habits do what losers don't like to do. Try replacing one of your "bad habits" with a more "good" one every quarter - and in a year your life will change in the most significant way. Always remember that good habits make time our best friend, and bad habits make time is our worst enemy. How to pay off credit card debt According to statistics, 75% of people of working age have some kind of debt and loans. Yes, this is not a typo. 75 out of 100 people reading this message live in debt = spend other people's money. And they are very surprised why their debts are constantly growing and loans are multiplying. To get out of debt, you need to: (1) Stop taking out new loans + (2) Quickly pay off the loan amount + (3) Pay interest twice a month (or better yet, 1 once a week). Pessimism is a contagion that we must fight. Today there is no shortage of negative news and events. Pessimism can “poison” our lives if we are not careful and balanced. It is as “contagious” as the spring flu and ARVI .What to do: Find something good around you and in your Life every day. The Russian economy fell by 9% in 2009. This was a consequence of the global financial crisis caused by the mortgage crisis in the United States. In 2022, our economy shrank by only 2%, i.e. 4 times less than in 2009. The Russian economy managed to quickly “separate itself” from the shocks of the global recession into which the global economy fell. In 2023, adaptation to the “new normal” will continue - so there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. How to lose weight for a workaholic You don’t have enough free time, but you really want to lose weight by summer? Here are the options for this: 1) Myostimulation is when you are beaten moderately electric discharges on the abdomen and sides (covered with an excess layer of fatty deposits). Just do not need to buy advertised “slimming belts” - go to a beauty salon that has a professional myostimulation device. 10 sessions will be enough to lose 5 kg and a sharp reduction in volume waist (by toning the muscles and eliminating their sagging). 2) Add physical activity. As the simplest option: Go up (or at least go down) the stairs on foot, not in the elevator. Every half hour, get up from your office chair and walk + jump + wave your arms. 3) Prepare and take vegetable snacks with you to work (cut carrots, green peppers, etc. into strips). Eat them instead of cookies.Additional: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money." I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience, laureate of the Russian Ministry of Finance Prize for most
