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The month begins with the 23rd lunar day, symbolizing the capture, expansion, expansion of one’s territory. The danger is, in the heat of an exorbitant appetite, to “swallow” something that can cause “indigestion.” The square of Uranus and Pluto, which has developed for a long time, will provoke conflicts, destruction, and breakdowns in relationships both in professional, social, and personal life. It carries with it a huge energy potential that can be used constructively - primarily on the path of spiritual development or the discovery of psychic abilities, if directed to the sextile of Pluto and Neptune. On June 1 and 2, there will be a sextile between Uranus and the Sun. This will give you the opportunity to express yourself, your personality in some extraordinary way. The aspect is good for advertising, going on stage, artistic creativity. On June 17, Mars sextiles Uranus. Against this background, serious sporting achievements are possible. At the beginning of June, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter leave the sign of Gemini and move into the sign of Cancer. First of all, this, of course, will have an impact on those who were born in June and on those who have planets or other important points in the horoscope in the sign of Cancer (as well as Capricorn, Aries and Libra). In public life, our attention will switch from the sphere of contacts and knowledge of the world to the personal sphere. We will be more interested in everyday problems, good cuisine and other earthly pleasures. Family relationships will be a special topic. But, nevertheless, Mars enters Gemini on May 31 for the next two months, and this circumstance continues to intensify our intellectual life and will not allow family problems to completely absorb our attention. On June 4, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn form the “Grand Trine” configuration in the water element. This day is favorable for clarifying relationships and resolving protracted conflicts. But only before 10 am and after 20:00, since during this period the Moon will be without a course. But while the Moon is without a course, you can express everything that is boiling and even make a row. Nothing will happen to you for this, but it will ease your Soul. On June 7, Venus, Saturn and Neptune form a “Grand Trine” also in the signs of the water element. The configuration is favorable for artists, musicians, and dancers in terms of creative self-realization. The rest of the day is full of temptations and unforeseen events. All the “profitable” offers of this day are fraught with danger and can turn into psychological, emotional, material, or even drug addiction in the future. From this day Neptune is retrograde (until November 13). Neptune is the planet of illusions and fantasies. She oversees issues of our spirituality, sensitivity, empathy. At a low level, it is associated with alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness. In society, it is responsible for the sphere of art and finance. Chemistry and pharmacology are also under the control of Neptune. In these areas, during the period of Neptune's retrograde, new discovery projects or directions will not develop. But there is a return to previously raised topics. They receive a new sound and are illuminated from previously unknown sides. In mental life, there is a return to previous trends - diseases, addictions, and withdrawal from reality may worsen. Meditation, spiritual practices, and appeals to psychologists on topics that have not been solved for a long time are favorable during this period. Deliverance dependencies also make it more efficient. An extremely difficult day - June 8th. The T-square of Mercury, Uranus and Pluto creates a very tense situation, especially on the roads. This is a period of increased risk of injury - be careful. The situation is complicated by the square of Neptune and Mars. But from 20:00 you can use this day for creative visualization of your future. It is better to spend the whole day in silence, away from the bustle of the world, especially from roads. It is better to postpone air travel until another day (not June 12). A day similar in its energy is June 12th. Here the T-square is formed by Venus, Uranus and Pluto. It is especially destructive for partnerships. Conflicts of this day]
