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From the author: Wax crayons in the psychologist’s robot Creating a drawing requires quite a lot of effort, which helps to activate the internal forces of the body, neutralize hidden aggression, and relieve muscle tension. It is better to draw with wax crayons in the form of blocks, rather than thin pencils, which helps to avoid stereotypes, develop creative imagination, and they simply do not break in your hands at the most inopportune moment of creativity or therapy. For psychological drawing, the lines produced by wax pencils do not pretend to be correct, subtle, or clear, so the fear of drawing poorly automatically disappears. During the drawing process, you can easily layer different layers on top of each other, and they cross-pollinate, which gives the image spontaneity, imagination and drawings become even more interesting. Wax pencils do not need to be sharpened during art therapy sessions, and they give different thickness and saturation of lines, which helps the client express his individuality in the process of working with a psychologist. They are environmentally friendly, made from wax, the most natural material, which makes you feel your connection with nature, and are not toxic or harmful, odorless, which ensures that only their associations are present during the process. The color range of wax pencils is more muted in comparison with felt-tip pens, which acts as an important preventive factor for the adequate impact of color on the human nervous system. Images on a sheet of paper after drawing can be felt, touched, as it were, which makes it possible to understand the product of one’s activity; this property is an important component of therapy when working with children, depressed and asthenic clients, people with poor vision. The crayons are quite convenient to use and take up There is little space and, in comparison with paints, they do not require water; they can easily be used anywhere and everywhere, when you want to convey your state through a drawing. With wax pencils you can quickly create large drawings and easily complement them with backgrounds; the drawings will turn out individual and authentic, as if with a voice. Nazarevich Victoria
