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Explosive relationships Which couples rarely quarrel and why? 1 situation. Imagine a minefield. There are 2 people in a minefield: he and she. Neither he nor she knows that they are in a minefield. What is the probability of an explosion? 2 situation. Minefield. There are 2 people on it: he and she. She and he understand that: “Oh, we’re in a minefield.” What is the probability of an explosion? 3 situation. The same minefield, there are 2 people on it: he and she. She and he know that they are in a minefield and know where the mines are laid. What is the probability of an explosion? 4 situation. Again a minefield, there are 2 people on it: he and she. She and he know that they are in a minefield where mines are laid and they have already managed to clear some of them...What is the probability of an explosion? 5 situation. And again a minefield, there are 2 people on it: he and she. She and he know that they are still in a minefield where the remaining mines are laid and they managed to clear almost all the mines...What is the probability of an explosion? Obviously, the probability of an explosion decreases depending on the recognition that there are mines, on knowledge where they are and from finding a way to neutralize them. It is clear that the fewer mines, the fewer explosions. It is logical to assume that in couples with a higher level of awareness, there are fewer explosions on mines of their own and others and, accordingly, there are fewer quarrels. On a cleared field there is more openness, sincerity and trust, because there is no danger of being undermined by unclarified beliefs, unagreed rules, unrealistic expectations from each other, illusory ideas about oneself, about a partner and about the family as a whole. So, what should you do to quarrel less? Clear your area of ​​explosive objects, plant a blooming garden and enjoy each other. How to do this? “Cleansing the area and planting a blooming garden” can be achieved by working on yourself independently or working with a psychologist individually and in pairs. www.irinafeodoro.ru - psychologist
