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From the author: The article was published on the website Every man is by nature a breadwinner, striving to bring home a “mammoth”, but due to various circumstances, modern women often began to take on this role... I don’t whether it's good or bad, just let's look around. What do we see? There are more and more feminine men and masculine women, men who have complexes due to their lack of fulfillment as a Provider and women who are tired under the weight of material responsibility. Let's try to figure out how to make a man become a Provider, and a woman feel protected and relaxed. Men are born strong, if you watch little boys, you will notice that they strive to protect, look after, and delight with the trophies they have obtained. But, most mothers “coddle” their sons, not allowing their masculinity to emerge. Therefore, growing up, it is difficult for men to realize their basic purpose - to protect, because more often than not they were protected, there is no experience in how to do this. Observe how often mothers communicate with their sons: “This job, although less profitable, is not dusty - sit in this workplace,” “I know what’s best, because I’m a mother, and I want the best for you,” and so on. In such a boy, the protector and provider was simply lulled into disbelief that he could become a man, that he could do more, take responsibility. But what about the girls? From childhood they hear: “There is no one to rely on, you need to be able to do everything yourself!”, “You are a helper, and boys are not serious, you can’t trust them with anything” and similar beliefs lead to the fact that girls go out into life with conviction : “I myself!” And she herself begins to earn money, solve important issues, take care of and protect her man. She sits him down on the sofa and hands him the TV remote control, because she has already taken responsibility for everything else and did this, again, out of a lack of faith that a man can be relied upon. It is important to understand here that the position of the man will depend on what position (male or female) the woman takes in the relationship. If a woman occupies a masculine position, then the man has no choice but to adapt to the feminine position. But, I have prepared great news for you: in every woman there is a great power that can awaken or revive the Provider in a man and allows him to return to the feminine position, giving up the masculine position to the man . How to touch this feminine power? How to make a man get the “mammoth”, and a woman relax and feel protected both materially and morally, physically? Where to start? The first thing that is important to start with is to develop the ability to believe in your man! Believe that he can! Take a closer look at the men around you, and you will immediately notice the one in whom his woman believes, we consider such a man successful, he attracts us with his confidence, calmness, and regularity of movements. Think about it, because behind every successful man there is always a woman who believes in him, fills his endeavors with faith and gives him energy to move forward. A woman’s faith gives a man wings, but unbelief deprives him of strength and immobilizes him. In moments of failure, a woman does not need to take the lead in providing for her family and demonstrate to a man that she is able to ensure financial well-being. It is important for a woman to provide moral support and demonstrate her faith that he will rise up and fix everything. If a woman takes financial responsibility for the family, she castrates a man, he does not feel that they believe in him. It is important to believe 20% more than your man can today, to believe in his development zone, for example, if your man earns 10,000 hryvnia, believe that in a few months he will be able to earn 12,000; believe that he will move up the career ladder in the near future. Our faith is important to a man and if a man feels it, he will not betray it. Verified.Listen to yourself, how much do you believe that your man is able to take care of you, take important
