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From the author: Dear colleagues, I am sharing information about the upcoming Congress. I'm going to go there myself. The topic of communication in our work is one of the main ones and is relevant for representatives of any direction. The congress will be held on October 15-19 in Florence, Italy. There is no information on the official website in Russian, so I am translating the letter from the organizers of the Congress and basic information about the conditions. Letter from the organizers of the Congress “The program of the Congress will focus on what makes it possible to make changes in the course of psychotherapy, on communication in its pragmatic aspect. As said the first psychotherapist in the history of mankind, the sophist Antiphon, there is nothing that cannot be cured by words. Involvement, persuasion, direction, healing - words and gestures have enormous power and almost unlimited possibilities, they console, liberate, influence, restructure, motivate, but they do. they can also wound, provoke, offend, humiliate. In short, “words are like bullets,” Wittgenstein would say, they can both wound and heal. It is not surprising that Sigmund Freud and Steve de Scheser took from the Bible the statement “In the beginning words were magic.” ”, and 2400 years later Paul Watzlawick wrote “The Pragmatics of Human Communications”, which for the next generation of specialists became the Bible of communication as a means of influence, change. These quotes would be enough to emphasize the importance of communication in any field of activity. Recently, research into therapeutic factors has shown that the relationship between therapist and patient is the most important element for achieving change in all areas of therapy. We constantly communicate to inform, complement, educate, organize, persuade, motivate, and also in order to change people and ourselves, 50% of our time is occupied with such activities. And this activity, so important and rich, greatly influences personal, therapeutic and business results, because, as Giorgio Nardone says: “All reality changes depending on how it is spoken about.” 91% of experts believe that in management, strategic communication is considered one of the most important skills of leaders, since in a social and business context, the ability to effectively communicate and create adequate relationships within an organization are key to the quality of the system. Moreover, in a world that values ​​excellence, it is impossible to lead a person to overcome his limitations without knowing how to persuade and motivate him. A huge amount of literature has been written on the topic of communication, but only a small number of these publications describe effective, repeatable and understandable communication strategies that could be learned and then applied by anyone who wants to make a specific change. The second congress on short-term strategic and systemic therapy - “The Magic of Words and Gestures” - invites participants to become acquainted with techniques and strategies “at the level of art” that allow specialists to develop skills in building effective communications and therapeutic relationships. For non-psychotherapists, this is an opportunity to learn more advanced methods of communication and relationship management. Like the previous one, the congress will consist of reports, a symposium and seminars, at which key experts and method creators will present the most effective and efficient techniques. In conclusion, we would like to remind you that the previous congress brought together 3,000 colleagues from 36 countries around the world and became the most important event in the professional community of psychology, problem solving and strategic communication. Information about the conditions and cost of participation We invite you to participate: Psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, social workers, consultants, trainers, teachers , teachers, students of higher educational institutions. Main languages ​​of the congress: Italian, English, Spanish. If from Russia].
