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Our entire economy, like millions of different companies, is greatly affected by the restrictions imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But it is important not to give in to fear. Instead, your focus should be on being as prepared as possible for the negative effects of the crisis that has so suddenly engulfed our economy. How to Prepare for a Crisis Make sure you have done the best that you can do in today's difficult realities - and that you are ready for the “storm”. The fact is that the decisions you make about money every day affect your family's financial situation much more than the economic crisis that has broken out right before our eyes. The most important thing today is to take care of yourself and your family, and also save so much cash to help you weather any turbulent times. How to cope with lack of money: 1) Do not take out new loans You are already in a difficult situation. New debt will only worsen your financial situation (and leave you “without pants” if the situation with coronavirus drags on for a long time). 2) Take care of your “financial cushion” Cash reserve money will help you feed your family in case of loss of job (or temporary disability due to illness). 3) Clear planning of upcoming expenses will allow you to stretch out the salary you receive for a long time. If you have never drawn up a budget before, then it’s time to do it - and thoroughly schedule the movement every ruble you earn.4) At the word “crisis,” people run to sell shares and withdraw money from deposits. Yes, such behavior was completely justified in the 90s. But now everything is completely different. And if you behave smartly, then after the crisis you will become 10 times richer than you were before. To do this, start slowly buying shares of good companies: during a crisis, their quotes “fall” significantly - and you can buy them at insanely low prices; And when the economy recovers, you will sell them for a huge profit. SUMMARY: Take three minutes to sit down and outline your plan for anti-crisis actions. ADDITIONAL: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE
