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From the author: about the relationship between mothers and sons. Beautiful sunny weather and a great holiday mood. Here it is, finally, the long-awaited trip to St. Petersburg on Sapsan. Just 4 hours and we are in the wonderful city on the Neva. Hurray! The journey begins, and it is unknown how these 4 hours on the road will pass, what will be visible outside the window. Will I want to read, will I sleep, or will I look out the window at the passing landscapes? The train started gently, and suddenly, quite unexpectedly, against the background of the quiet measured noise of the carriage, an exclamation: “Well, mom, stop it, leave me alone, how are you behaving?” , I am ashamed of you!". It is impossible not to look where this scream is coming from. And what do I see - a young man, about 25 years old, well-groomed, successful, “smelling” of money. Although no, at this moment it’s more like a little boy. And next to him is a young-looking woman, judging by the screams, this is his mother. If it weren't for the scream, I probably wouldn't have guessed it. I rather thought it was his woman. She hugs him, strokes his hair and says something quietly. And he screams... Moreover, it is quite obvious that this is common in their relationship, this is not a mother-son hug. And they are both happy with it. But now they are in public, and he is uncomfortable that others see such a relationship... That is. At home and in other deserted places this suits him quite well, but in public it is uncomfortable. Surely, for himself, he calls it “I have a good, warm relationship with my mother.” But there is slight discomfort and a hint that this is not entirely true. Although most likely for the guy in his internal explanations this is just a moment of growing up - “like I’ve already grown up and I don’t care about your tenderness.” From the ongoing screams at his mother, who never left his side, it becomes clear that he made himself a gift for graduating from university with the money he earned on his own, and took his family to St. Petersburg. This family is the parent family. “But, guy, if you’re so cool, why such a gift, in such a company? Why not in the company of friends? Why not with a girl - how romantic that would be!? Why not one after all? Why with parents? Did they also want to give a gift? Would you send them to another place or another time? Or are you going to travel with your mother all your life?” In general, there are a million questions, but not a single answer to them... And it is clear that everyone is happy with everything on the one hand, and it is clear that the guy is no longer completely happy with this, that’s why he screams. He had already begun to notice that with his friends everything was a little different. And most importantly, I want my own relationship with a girl, I want to live with my woman, etc. But mom doesn’t let go so easily. She doesn't like girls - in her opinion, they're all terrible, and she's a master at harassing them. What should a poor man do? How to steer your generally not bad, successful and well-groomed life into a normal direction with your family? Probably, no matter how painful and unpleasant it is, you will have to realize that the relationship with your mother has long gone beyond the boundaries of child-parent relations, that your mother has firmly taken the place of your woman, has firmly established herself in it and is holding an all-round defense. Unless there is no sex, for obvious ethical reasons. Well, he realizes, and what next, you ask - and with this awareness the path to changing the situation will begin. After all, until we know where the enemy is and what he is, we cannot cope with him, but when it is clear what the matter is, then we can act with certainty. Leave the wrongfully occupied place of the father next to the mother, let them sort it out among themselves... and forward to free swimming... and now let the father hug and gently stroke.
