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From the author: Second day of the Marathon of Smiles: we focus on our successes, identify unfinished tasks and write a plan for the week. Sunday evening is the end of the week. A time when you can take stock of a small part of your life, just seven days long. And it’s time to plan a new dreamy (Freudian typo :-D) week. Tell me, when analyzing your past, do you usually praise or scold yourself? How do you feel about your mistakes? What about success? Personally, I have more criticism than praise. And I’m going to change this model - upside down, or rather, from head to toe. So, the first part of today’s assignment: Write down all the reasons to praise yourself over the past week: any events, actions, thoughts, feelings - any can be used , at first glance, a trifle. Reward yourself: do something nice for yourself. It could be watching a movie or making a pleasant purchase. The main thing is that the gift brings you joy! And only after that, charged with positivity, proceed to the next part of the task - taking inventory of your affairs. Surely, you have already accumulated enough deficiencies. That is, things started but not completed. Now I suggest you: Write down all your unfinished tasks (from the smallest to the largest) And create two fundamentally different lists from them: “I want to finish it and will definitely do it” and “I don’t want to do it and will put it off until the end of time.” Well, admit it. yourself at least now that these “musts” that you put off day after day are actually not needed. For you personally - for sure. Don't torture yourself with them. Send calmly to the second list and: With a clear conscience, you can break/burn (observing safety precautions)/simply throw out the list “I don’t want to do it and will put it off until the end of time.” Believe me, once you are freed from this burden, you will feel such a surge of energy! And most importantly, you can direct this energy to things that are more important to you personally. What to do with what you want, but for some reason keep putting it off? Select one thing from the list “I want to finish and will definitely do it” that you can complete now, one that will take a day or two to complete, and one that will take a week to complete. Write them down in your planner with deadlines, and promise someone in your circle that you will get these things done. Choose a person in front of whom you will be especially ashamed in case of sabotage. And be sure to plan a nice gift for each task completed! An action plan for the next week is ready. I also advise you to write the selected three things on your page on social networks or in the comments to this post. The more people you promise, the higher the responsibility will be and the more difficult it will be to postpone the planned task again. And do not forget to praise yourself and delight yourself with various amenities! As one psychologist friend of mine put it, “There is no laziness, there is only a lack of motivation.” Now, I hope you have plenty of motivation - act, dare and accomplish! I wish you a pleasant end of the day, with a smile on your face! Your personal guide to the endless expanses of the soul, Vera Shapkarina. The first day of the marathon is here
