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From the author: Many people are most afraid of loneliness. People are lonely in a city of many millions, in a work collective, in a noisy company, in their own family. Loneliness is not only the absence of someone you need, loneliness is a state of mind that destroys you. “You’d rather be alone than with just anyone!” Omar KhayyamProblem No. 1 One of the problems of most women who turn to me for help – absence of the other half nearby. The desire to get married urgently, thereby solving your problem of loneliness, is always doomed to failure! But you wait and wait to get married and get married. Meanwhile, the clock of your only life is ticking! Years go by, the prince still doesn’t appear, and instead of a Mercedes under the window, you have green melancholy in your eyes: “I’m standing at the restaurant. It’s too late to get married, it’s too early to die.” the same illusion as waiting for your prince! Married women have long gotten rid of this illusion. I have been married for 20 years. From the outside it would seem that everything is quite normal and safe. But I'm lonely, that's my problem. When the children were small, I still didn’t pay attention to my loneliness. And my husband is at work for days, or in the garage, with his woman - a car, of which I am jealous of him. Now the children have grown up, and I especially feel lonely and useless to anyone, neither my children nor my husband. The children have long had their own interests, and the husband now lingers in a beer bar with friends, and in a casino. Is there any salvation from this loneliness? This is a familiar situation, isn’t it? In such families, and their number is increasingly increasing, everyone is lonely, including children who grew up without the attention of their father. And the husband hiding from the family in the yard, slaughtering a “goat,” or in the garage under a car. And the wife, wondering what time he will return today and in what degree. And will he come back at all, or maybe spend the night with a friend? Hello, SIMA. I'm already over 30, but I'm still single. What did I do to avoid being lonely: discos, bars with alcohol in large doses, new acquaintances, and traveling not only around the country, but also abroad. And you know, this doesn't help. I often feel depressed. You give up, nothing makes you happy in this life. What to do? Of course, you can go to another city, and even another country, you can get drunk, you can distract yourself with the help of a disco or friends. But you can’t escape yourself anywhere. Because everywhere you go you drag yourself along with you. These are not my words, Socrates said so. Who is at risk of loneliness? Loneliness most of all threatens infantile people. Such immature individuals strive for communication and find it, unaware that their problem has not been solved. The fact is that for spiritually mature people communicating with them is simply boring and not interesting. And then they find their own kind and exchange similar emptiness. An empty pastime can be called one that is not accompanied by personal growth. There are many forms of such pastime: numerous forums and chats on the Internet, discos, bars, restaurants, and so on. But this is not real communication. Time may pass quickly, but it is of little use, and the feeling of loneliness becomes even more unbearable after this. How to solve the problem? In the direction of developing personal growth, you need to work to change and eliminate the problem of loneliness. And this cannot be done through another person. Only you can do this. SIMA, with love Author and project manager Ariadne's Thread For consultations, please contact: [email protected] Skype: astrosimaICQ: 317284492
