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Perhaps you also watched the movie “Timer” (Timer, 2009), according to the plot, people had the opportunity to implant a special device into their hand, which, at the moment when a person gets acquainted with the true love of his life, gives a signal about this. Some heroes refuse to set such a timer, others trust only its signal. For me, this film was about one of the important coaching questions - how will you understand that you got what you want? How will you understand that this person is your true love? How will you understand that this is exactly the text you want to write? How do you will you understand that this is the very result you are striving for? How will you understand that this is the lifestyle you are striving for? How will you understand that this is the job of your dreams? The first reaction to such a question is a smile or a grin. Well, how will I understand that this is exactly it! Yes, I will feel it, of course! As a client once answered me - and even the sun will come out in the sky (the sun did come out at the end of the session, but by that time we had already found more significant and objective criteria). But the second reaction is thoughtfulness. But really, how will I understand? How will I understand that the text can no longer be edited, that everything is fine in my life, that I have achieved my goal, that this is my favorite job? As you understand, these criteria are important not later, but now, when you are just planning some changes in life. Knowing how you want your text to look will give you a better understanding of how you will write it. Knowing what kind of lifestyle you want to lead will bring something new to what you have now. Understanding what criteria your ideal job will have, you will definitely decide whether to leave or stay. I write all about “knowing” and “understanding,” but no less important are the criteria that are associated with “feeling” and “sensing.” How will you feel when you get that same result? How will you feel when what you want becomes part of your life? Catch your inner feeling, listen to it. It can help us a lot when it is important to decide what to do. This is a feeling of inner comfort, inner harmony, fullness - but I don’t even dare to guess what exactly it will be like for you. Listen to yourself. When starting your journey, which internal timer or compass will you refer to? How will you know that you are truly following your path and filling your life with exactly what you want to fill it with? How do you know right now that you are moving in the direction you want? Where is that point of confidence for you that everything in life is going exactly the way you want it??
