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From the author: This is one of those cases when the cause of the symptom lies not in biographical or transgenerational trauma of generations, but in the sphere of transpersonal experience of the soul. Request: A girl (let’s call her) turned to us for help Stella) with symptoms of a panic attack. The attack happened to her on the subway on the way to the university. Heartbeat. Weakness. Coldness and numbness in the limbs. Noise in the head. Dizziness. She had to leave the subway and call her parents. And they took her home in a car. At home she rested, sat down, lay down, and didn’t go outside for several days. A few days later I went to school, and was again overcome by the same sensations. The symptoms even intensified somewhat. After examination, doctors insisted that it was psychosomatic. No organic abnormalities were found. In the image of the constellation, the client and I go into the metaphor of “past incarnations.” We see a 33-year-old girl in a long-skirted garment, similar to a long skirt or sari, who, in great confusion, climbed onto the funeral pyre of her deceased husband and was burned. It was the ritual self-immolation of a wife at the funeral of a noble nobleman. Culture is culture, customs are customs, but the woman, apparently, did not have time in that life to calm her fear of the fire. Fear turned out to be a subject of repression (exception), and like a relay baton, it ended up in our modern reality. It became clear why the symptoms of a panic attack returned in the subway at rush hour. The crowd in the subway could remind the girl of a huge crowd surrounding her husband’s funeral pyre and provoke an exacerbation (manifestation) of symptoms. Transformation: The girl was asked to rewrite, reformat the image from a past life. Of all the proposed options, she chose one in which the Indian girl’s husband did not die, but lived a very long and very happy life with her. We omit the details. Because it took 90% of the time to create them. Result: After integration with the new image - “Now you are like this in me...” - my legs became warmer, my hands became warmer, the chills went away, my eyes cleared up, the dizziness and cloudiness in my head subsided. The following check of the results was done. The girl was asked to imagine that she was again entering the crowd on the subway and track her sensations. In these new sensations, she was head and shoulders above the tallest people in the subway, and felt very stable and confident. When asked: “What does this mean for her?” she replied that for her it symbolizes very good control over the situation and her condition. At this point the work was completed. It took about an hour and a half. ***At the family counseling center "OLVIA" there are constellations every day! I will be happy to answer any of your questions: tel. 8-905-565-66-55 Skype: yury2266880 for the schedule of my trainings, see the website www.karpenkov777.ru for the schedule of the Olvia center, see the website www.olvia-center.ru
