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From the author: The article talks about some aspects of raising newborns. Newbornhood is the period from birth to about three months. During this period, the child adapts to new living conditions and, first of all, learns to eat. It is worth noting that satisfying hunger or changing wet diapers in themselves does not bring joy to the baby, they only relieve discomfort. And positive emotions are extremely important for the baby and its development. After all, a child can become a person only among people by communicating with them. His interest in communication arises in response to the soft, affectionate, kind attitude and treatment of close adults. Moms and dads! That is why every time you change clothes, bathe, feed, or play with your child, talk to him, call him affectionate names, smile at him. Although children at this age do not understand the meaning of words, they absolutely accurately grasp your mood and feel your attitude. Positive emotions form a child’s sense of trust in his mother, and through her, in people in general. Many mothers try to master the art of swaddling a baby in the first months of his life, but observations have shown that tight swaddling leads to developmental delays, delayed speech development, and decreased appetite due to the fact that the baby does not develop muscles, since he is deprived of the ability to move. .You can develop a child in the first three months by constant communication with him during periods of wakefulness, turning him over on his side and tummy. At the age of about a month, a newborn can already focus his gaze on a stationary object for a few seconds, so parents can show the baby a large bright toy at a distance of 30-50 cm. And when he focuses his gaze on it, slowly move it to the sides so that the baby follows it . At this age, children also react to sounds, so you can attract the child’s attention with a quiet rattle. By two months, the baby has already formed a smile, he smiles in response to adults’ calls. At the age of two or three months, the so-called revitalization complex is formed, that is, the child focuses his gaze on the face of the person bending over him, smiles at him, animatedly moves his arms and legs, and makes quiet sounds. The emergence of the revitalization complex is the boundary between the neonatal period and infancy..
