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I have heard the opinion more than once that weak people go to psychologists to whine or just out of boredom, but in reality this turns out to be completely wrong. In order to be frank, to admit to oneself that you need to change something in yourself, and just asking for help requires GREAT COURAGE. I admire those who are willing to do this. There is also an opinion that people who go to a psychologist simply shift their problems onto the shoulders of a specialist. To some extent, this is true, because I want it to become easier. And at first glance, the easiest thing you can do is to share your problem with another person, and a psychologist can really help here, but in a special way. A specialist will indeed provide sufficient support, help you find the strength to solve it, but will not decide for you in any way, give advice and take responsibility for your life. So, when you really need a consultation with a psychologist: · You have tried all possible ways to solve the problem, but the situation is only getting worse, and you have the feeling that you are walking in a vicious circle. ·You have experienced severe stress (death of a loved one, physical or mental violence, divorce, etc.). You shouldn’t rely on the fact that time heals: sometimes it heals for a very long time, and sometimes not very well. · You are almost always haunted by a vague feeling: “something is wrong in life,” “changes are needed,” but you don’t know which direction to move and what to change. ·You have been feeling bad for a long time, for no apparent reason: melancholy, sadness, in a word, depression. Why it’s pointless to go to a psychologist: ·for advice. · In order to give him responsibility for your life (“do something with me”). ·For the miracle of lightning-fast recovery at the behest of a magic wand. Change yourself and the world around you will change
