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In any language in the world there are many words that can be used to describe your feelings and emotions. But some people have a very limited range of words to describe their condition. Sometimes it comes down to “good”, “bad”, “normal”. The more clearly we can differentiate our feelings, the easier it is for us to navigate what is happening (with us and in our environment) and the clearer it becomes what to do in a given situation. A condition in which a person cannot determine what he feels, cannot distinguish one feeling from another, cannot express one’s feelings, is called alexithymia (literally means “without words for feelings”, “there are no words to name feelings”). Alexithymia leads to disruption of many personal processes (the emotional sphere, interpersonal communication, the ability to reflections, etc.). With alexithymia, a person is unable to identify and describe not only his own feelings and emotions, but also the feelings and emotions of other people, which can lead to difficulties in relationships (for example, a person may be cold towards close people in situations where they need support). He often confuses feelings and bodily sensations, which may cause one need to be replaced by another (for example, anxiety may be mistaken for hunger). With alexithymia, life becomes emotionally scarce, depleted of emotional experiences, and turns into a list of to-dos and events. In this state, a person is closed to new emotional experiences. With alexithymia, it is difficult for a person to navigate what is happening to him; the reasons for his own actions are poorly understood. People with alexithymia are prone to psychosomatic illnesses. Feelings are an integral part of the human psyche. It’s so inherent in nature, it’s a given. It is impossible to get rid of them, to live once and for all. They have their own important role in human life. Why can alexithymia develop? There may be several reasons for the development of alexithymia, although, unfortunately, it is impossible to say clearly about each individual person. Alexithymia can be congenital or acquired. Congenital alexithymia is biologically determined (these are mainly people suffering from autism spectrum disorder). Acquired alexithymia can be a consequence of a certain parenting style, a persistent result of severe stress, a defensive reaction, a temporary reaction to stress, depression or severe anxiety. How is alexithymia related to upbringing. It often happens that parents not only do not teach their child to recognize their feelings and deal with them constructively, but, on the contrary, they teach them to hide their emotions, suppress them, and not express them. They convey to children that sensitivity is weakness. Through their own lifestyle, parents can show their child that feelings and emotions are prohibited. As a result, the child grows into an adult with a limited set of feelings. But even adults with well-developed sensitivity can develop alexithymia as a result of experiencing severe stress, when the person was in great pain, so painful that he could not contain all this pain within himself and unconsciously I decided that if it hurt so much, it was better not to feel anything. And the psyche automatically begins to block all feelings, both negative and positive, since it is impossible to block one or more feelings (by blocking pain, joy is automatically blocked), this is how our emotional system works. A person can be in this state for a very long time or his whole life, which significantly reduces the quality of his life, affecting all areas. What can be done with alexithymia to revive your feelings: - learn to recognize feelings. Describe your condition, name it in words. Lists of feelings and emotional states can help you with this. At first, you can rely on them to find the right word to describe your feelings and emotions. - Learn to differentiate (distinguish) between different feelings. With alexithymia, a person may confuse feelings, not understand, he.
