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Before you find out whether you need the help of a psychologist, it is important to realize that aggressive behavior can take different forms. This could be physical violence, verbal threats, or outbursts of anger. But aggression is not only “tearing and throwing”, there is also passive aggression, such as silence, harsh sarcasm, ignoring a person and avoiding communication - all of this can also be signs that a person cannot cope with his emotions and it is better to consult a psychologist. If some forms of aggression take place in a person’s life, then you need to pay attention to how aggression affects the quality of life and relationships. If aggression in any type of behavior brings only negative results or destroys the person himself and his relationships, then I highly recommend consulting with a psychologist."Maxim is a successful businessman who lives happily with his family. However, recently his relatives have noticed that he is increasingly began to express his emotions in the form of anger and rage. He often yells at his employees and cannot find a common language on projects. Colleagues try not to cooperate and not ask again about work issues. His aggression also began to spill over into his relationship with his family. and the children experience fear and uncertainty because of his unpredictable behavior as the father of the family and try not to catch his eye, even if he is in a good mood and Maxim does not immediately realize that his own rage and anger are the reason for the detachment of his colleagues. family from him. After unsuccessful attempts to improve relationships on his own, he finally turned to a psychologist, where he saw the true reasons for his anger and discontent. As a result, this reduced his irritability and dissatisfaction with others." In the described case, there is an important point: when a person is in an aggressive or negative state, it is very difficult for him to find the true reasons and sources of anger. Emotions distort his perception of reality beyond recognition. For many, it may seem, that the causes of anger and aggression are in the external world, but more often the conflict is inside the person himself. If you imagine such a situation and remove all annoying triggers, then the person does not find psychological comfort and continues to experience negative emotions, even under a palm tree in a hammock on the shore of a warm sea. If a person notices that emotions begin to control him, or behavior becomes destructive, working with a psychologist will help to understand the reasons and find ways to cope with aggression. There is also a clear sign that can help determine that there are problems with aggression: a feeling of guilt that completely absorbs a person or shame. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that. He did the job, then apologized and everything was fine. But if aggression makes a person feel guilty or ashamed after the emotion subsides, it may be a sign of emotional problems. It turns out that emotions take over a person and he no longer controls himself, although he later realizes that he did the wrong thing. It is the problem of self-control that is the topic that needs to be worked with - “strong emotions in which a person loses control over himself.” Aggression is one of the most common psychological problems in modern society. Each person's attitude and response to aggression can vary significantly. Some people turn to aggression as a way to cope with troubles and stress, while others face difficulties in controlling their emotions and behavior. A psychologist will help you understand your emotions and find the true reasons. The main thing is not to be embarrassed to seek help from a psychologist before aggression destroys everything that a person already has in his life. Author Andrey Aliev - Psychologist online
