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Have you often received gifts at work? As a rule, a corporate gift is not distinguished by any sophistication. And this is correct, since it is presented to many different people, and the task of such a gift is not to “kill” the recipient of this gift with luxury and high cost. After all, it is more important for a company to disseminate information about itself as quickly as possible, ensure strong recognition of the company, create a favorable emotional attitude towards its brand, strengthen trust in it, generate interest, serve as a reminder, etc. All these problems, and many others, should be solved by simple corporate gifts: business cards, pens, calendars, flash drives, etc. People who do not work in the organization, as a rule, treat such gifts warmly, with respect, but quite calmly, perceiving it as a normal, natural phenomenon. But have you noticed how the employees of this organization itself treat corporate gifts? My numerous observations, common sense and psychological sense, indicate that with great interest. And even in cases where a person has certain disagreements with the organization, alienation from it, if the organization is strong, well-known, with obvious achievements, everything that concerns its brand, this person demonstrates to others with desire. Sometimes, even with real hussar bravado: “Look at what organization I belong to: what kind of handbag I’m sporting, what T-shirt and baseball cap I’m wearing!” I have repeatedly seen how a person, going on a long journey, took with him a branded T-shirt of one organization, and then stated: “I went everywhere in this T-shirt and advertised...”. Another option, a close friend gave (literally, imposed) his corporate calendar on my mother-in-law. It didn’t work out (!), she still hung the calendar of the organization for which she had the honor of working on the wall. And here’s another sketch from life: the person never worked at enterprise X, but was closely acquainted with many people who worked there and participated in numerous events of the organization. Imbued with its spirit, power, motivational and emotional components, he is always happy to come ... to his work with accessories from company X. How and how this phenomenon can be explained. Only because: A) people want to work in a strong, serious organization with a positive brand, and belong to it; B) they not only want to work there and belong to it, but also want and are ready to support it; C) therefore, advancing sometimes, at the mercy of their own song, being “at odds” with the organization and, above all, with their superiors, they accept corporate gifts from their organization and will never show them to others. It turns out that, on the one hand, even small souvenirs from an organization with its logo or trademark, in some way, try on employees with it, and even more often serve as a signal for positive reviews about their firm or company. On the other hand, they in no way carry the psychological meaning of a “freebie”. All, well, almost all employees sincerely believe that they give more to their organization than they receive from it. Perhaps this is often not the case, and the staff’s assessment of their work is indeed exaggerated. But the gift is that manifestation of gratitude from the authorities, which is psychologically necessary for everyone, even cats and dogs. I did a great job and I want to be noticed. And a corporate gift serves as that element of relationship within the team that strengthens it, orients it towards involvement in the life of the organization and cooperation in it.
