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From the author: The optimal state of spiritual and creative processes that form an individual image, psychological-emotional and natural-biological processes corresponding to the internal and external environment form a healthy lifestyle for a person. “Mirotok” (myrrh flow) ) is a program for maintaining the harmonious flow of these processes and stabilizing the life rhythm of modern man using natural methods, including with the help of paintings. At all times, man has sought, through the imaginative and creative process, to form his own life rhythm, which helped him maintain stable health of the body. Many years of experience in the field of medicine and extensive experience in communicating with patients gave impetus to the development of an alternative method of restoring the health of each person - through the development of one’s own creative potential. Everyone knows that a disease is a disruption of the entire activity of the body and therefore treatment of an individual organ will not give a stable result, but the restoration of the entire organism as a whole is a creative process. In order for a person to be in a stable, healthy state, it is necessary to have sufficient “energy intensity”. This concept requires separate consideration. "Energy intensity" means the presence of sufficient energy in a person. It is important to find a balance between internal processes in the body and external processes in society. The system for balancing internal and external processes forms the basis for maintaining a stable “energy intensity” of the body. This state is in a constant dynamic process. The creative process is the main source of the formation of “energy intensity”. The works created by the author contain a figurative perception of space - both internal and external. In his creative works, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy I. E. Benditsky, using his knowledge in the field of the culture of the development of ancient medicine and the experience of a practicing physician with 20 years of experience, creates paintings to optimize the “energy intensity” of the human body. If we compare the approach to creative implementation of Benditsky I.E. and the monastic movement of the Benedictine Order, in which a small community or a solitary ascetic monk - created ideal conditions for the pursuit of science and philosophical reflection. The historical development of Western culture allows Dr. Benditsky I.E. see examples of trends and patterns in the creative implementation of monastic orders. The “father of Western monasticism” is considered to be St. Benedict (488–544). The ideals of the Benedictines and Cistercians were far from the mercantile interests of the Romans. They saw their calling in the pursuit of science, agriculture and the sacred arts. The charter of the monastery of St. Benedict prescribed humble obedience , strict observance of established prayer hours and common ownership in all spheres of monastic life. According to the charter, the abbot was the abbot of the monastery. Over time, Benedict founded twelve monasteries, in each of which twelve monks lived. For outstanding activity in this field, descendants. They called him “the father of the monastic orders of Western Christianity.” Since those ancient times, the main merit in preserving the high culture of education, church painting and music in Europe, overwhelmed by the waves of barbaric ignorance, belonged to the Benedictines. This era of the emergence of monastic orders marks the beginning of a period sometimes called the “age of saints.” " - a century during which the traditions of Roman Catholicism continued to develop. Dr. Benditsky I.E. in his work he strives for the painting to receive a piece of the author’s soul and, like a sponge, to absorb the entire depth of his feelings and experiences. To do this, the painting must go through several stages of its formation. You can learn more deeply and in detail about the technology, methodology and theoretical validity of the influence of color on the processes occurring in the human body in the section"Visual rhythm therapy". A special place in the publication is given to illustrative material: Gallery of healing paintings, which can be seen on the website: www.prog-mirotok.narod.ru. The paintings are accompanied by explanations and recommendations from the author, aimed at achieving maximum effect while viewing the paintings. This will allow even the reader ignorant in matters of self-medication to get an idea of ​​the main ways to restore one’s own rhythm, as well as harmonize the rhythmic processes in one’s body and the surrounding space and society. In the process of familiarization, the reader finds the most appropriate methods and recommendations for him, and forms his own opinion about the paintings that interest him. Gradually adjusts to studying and mastering the skill of exchanging energy of internal and external information space. Understanding these processes will give you additional help in maintaining the body in a stable state. The result of knowledge will be mastery of methods for restoring and maintaining the state of health: one’s own, family and the surrounding society. Visual rhythm therapy The study of the prevention methods of ancient sages showed that when drawing up health programs for a modern person, it is necessary to take into account that man-made rhythms created by man have been added to the natural rhythms of nature, which introduce a serious imbalance into the natural rhythms of nature. Based on this, it is necessary to help a person find his own optimal rhythm of life not only in changed natural conditions, but also in the complex rhythms of a comfortable, civilized world. The MIROTOK program creates an optimal rhythm for a person living in modern conditions. The comprehensive MIROTOK program includes visual rhythm therapy using paintings. Paintings make it possible, with the help of visual perception, to form creative processes to maintain the body in a stable state. The effect of visual perception is achieved through the spatial representation of the entire picture in the vertical and horizontal directions of rhythmic processes. In my books “Methods of health prevention according to the advice of ancient sages,” I propose to consider our life rhythm as a volumetric, spatial process, which at every moment of life is regulated by both adaptive forces within the body, and forces of external influence - for stable dynamic life support in nature and the information space. It is necessary to understand that the force of influence of the human body on the information space will necessarily collide with the force of the information space itself, and each time a reasonable compromise will be achieved between internal and external processes. It is important for me that a person is not just an observer, but a conscious participant in these processes and understands that every moment of our life everything changes both inside the body and in the space around us. The power of the ancient sages was primarily based on the constant study of life processes – both between planets in the starry sky, and social and internal in the human body. This continuity in the perception of a single process in nature made it possible to associate slightly visible signs in nature with changes within the human body. Having analyzed these signs and the state of the body itself, it was possible to make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and predict the further dynamics of changes in the physical and mental state of a person. We understand that for this it was necessary to treat nature with great love and believe in the High Mind (God). I think doctors will constantly master new techniques in treating patients, because a doctor’s desire to help a patient is akin to the impatience and curiosity of a discoverer. For me, the desire to improve treatment procedures to achieve better results led me to study ancient techniques and use them in my practice. Human development is possible only through the stability of internal and external processes.The French physiologist Claude Bernard was the first to point out that the internal environment of a living organism, in order to maintain stability, must remain constant despite any fluctuations in the external environment. The external environment is a sea of ​​​​various colors created both by nature and with the help of technical techniques. The impact of color on our body is enormous, but we do not know how to analyze the degree of influence of a color shade or combination of shades. But color is one of the components of our way of life: in combination with sound, smell, taste and tactile sensitivity, we perceive the world. As you know, color is created by superimposing frequencies. And if you combine a set of rhythmic physical and breathing exercises, you can create an optimal rhythm that corresponds to the life rhythm given to a person at birth. The impact of color on a person’s life rhythm can be determined by the characteristics of the sensation of color on a person: WHITE – cold and pure color GRAY – neutral color RED – bright, hot color ORANGE – ardent and brilliant color YELLOW – warm, calm color GREEN – fresh, moist color BLUE – color of lightness and freedom BLUE – the color of depth and coolness PURPLE – the color of dreams and wisdom BLACK – the color of mystery and depth The combination of colors forces a person to adapt himself to this overall rhythm that the painting conveys. The human psyche reacts to color effects by protecting our consciousness and develops adaptation processes to perceive an altered state. People have different reactions to exposure to the color spectrum. To combine reactions into a single system, M. Luscher introduces the concept of “type of behavior” and identifies four main types of color behavior, corresponding to the four main types of character. To understand color rhythm therapy, we need to imagine how the energy processes that bring life to our body are formed. Three main energy currents that flow in opposite directions through our body create a single energy complex. This complex consists of two downward flows coming from Space, and one upward flow coming from the Earth. Let's imagine the human body and its energy shell in the form of a ball hanging freely on two vertical threads passing through it, which perceive rhythmic processes from the influence of a combination of the color spectrum of paintings. These rhythmic processes are subsequently transmitted both to individual organs and systems, and to the entire body as a whole. As a doctor, when helping a person, it is necessary to restore his optimal motor pattern, that is, to eliminate various blocks, including mechanical and emotional ones. With the help of the complex influence of my paintings and rhythmic gymnastics, I achieve a better and more stable effect of softly adjusting the rhythm of the entire organism as a whole. Each person has a dominant functional block, which is eliminated in a certain frequency mode. Paintings provide the opportunity for a step-by-step, gradual elimination of all blocks in the body. For a more pronounced result of the visual impact of the paintings, it is necessary to supplement the perception with rhythmic gymnastics according to the MIROTOK program. The life cycle in the body consists of two main processes: contraction and relaxation of internal organs, and when these cycles are disrupted, a slowdown in activity occurs, and subsequently stagnation and cessation of metabolic processes in the cells of the body. The main causes of these disorders may be: mechanical obstacles to the flow of liquid media and the lack of a normal regulatory process that provides the central nervous system, in particular in case of disorders of the spine. To restore these disorders, there are two main rhythms - a creative rhythm (the creative process of individual development) and a destructive one rhythm (internal and external aggression) of a person. Creative and destructive rhythms do not exist separately, they are interdependent and are locatedrelation to each other in certain proportions. All processes occurring in nature are reflected in the matrix of the information space. The figurative perception of these processes is conveyed through the creative potential inherent in paintings. The rhythmic and oscillatory movements of the “top” of a person during his life cycle at all moments of life are reflected in the information matrix of space. All these elements of a person’s life cycle can be conveyed using the rhythmic processes inherent in paintings. My paintings allow a person to stabilize rhythmic processes using visual perception. Each of the paintings acts on a certain dominant part of the spine, from which there is a radiant effect on all parts of the spinal column and the entire body of the combination of color, subject and shape of the painting. Color and sound affect a person in accordance with his condition, temperament and degree of evolution. And proof of this is that a person often changes his preference for color. It happens that at one period of life he is inclined towards blue, and at another time he prefers orange. Some people love deep colors, while others are drawn to light colors. It depends on the temperament of people and the degree of their evolution. But it is not only the degree of evolution that makes a person change his preference for certain colors and tones, different colors and tones in turn help him in his evolution. Although very often a person considers a certain color or tone to be so important that he forgets what lies behind it, and this leads him to many superstitions, fads and fantasies. It is man who is the master of every manifestation. A person must use all the colors and tones, they are at his disposal, it is up to him how to use them in the best way. Color is also movement. And it is the quality of the color that makes it specific to our vision. At the same time, although we may call a color green, red or yellow, each person perceives color differently; People see subtle shades of color differently because the quality is different in each of them. The tone matches the quality. In other words, tones and colors have certain vibrations, but each of us experiences or feels them differently. They are different relative to us, in our perception. Let us return to the concept of the five elements, which the mystics have always had and which cannot be explained in modern scientific terms, because the mystics give the concepts of the elements their own, deeper meaning. Although the elements may be called "earth", "water", "fire", "air" and "ether", this is not to be taken literally; their nature and distinctive features, according to the mystics, are different. But since the vocabulary is limited, it is difficult to give other names to these elements, although Sanskrit has separate words for them. “Ether” is not ether in the scientific sense, it is quality, capacity. "Water" is not the water we mean in everyday language; it is liquid, fluidity. "Fire" is understood differently; it means glare or heat, dryness, radiation, all living things. All these concepts imply something more than their usual meaning. The action of the five elements is characterized by different colors. They are also represented by sound. In the musical scales of India and China, the five-note raga is considered the most attractive; and my own experience is that a five-note scale is much more moving than a seven-note scale. The seven-note scale loses some of the vital influence that the five-note scale has. There is a relationship between sound and color. In reality they are one; they are two aspects of life. Life and light are one; life is light and light is life, just as color is sound and sound is color. Only when sound is color is it more visible and less audible, and when color is sound is it more audible than visible. The practice of the science of breathing makes it possible to discover the unity of color and sound. When a person hears something, his first instinct is to open his eyes to trysee the color of it. This is not a way to see color, although color is a language. Life itself, which is audible, is also visible; but where? It is visible on the internal plane. The mistake is that a person seeks it on the external plane. When he hears music, he wants to see color in front of him. Each activity of the external world is a certain type of reaction, a certain consequence, in other words, a shadow of the activity behind it, which we do not see. Consider the biomechanics of the human body. There is a point on the body called the center of movement from which all movements emanate. It is projected onto the transition zone between the sacrum and the 5th lumbar vertebra, and 3 cm below the navel. All human movements both diverge and converge at the same point. For this purpose, there are motion vectors, which, according to all joints, have their own directions, amplitude, and speed, which is a consequence of the resulting movement. The sum of these vectors is the general vector of movement of the body, consisting of the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, ligaments). We know the main types of movements: bending forward, backward, turns, etc., but the hidden direction of the central vector remains unnoticed. In previous books, the rule of vertical and horizontal rhythm of movements, spatial movement of a person, i.e. rhythmic oscillatory movement of the body was derived , which allows us to identify certain cycles of a person’s life rhythm, in accordance with which the body moves. Let us consider in detail the axial points of movements, which are not tied to everyday movements (produced automatically every day and every minute in everyday life), but the nodal centers of movement, which are responsible for the stages of life and correspond to certain periods of a person’s life. To do this, let's consider the truth - the sacrum (os. sacrum). The sacrum has 7 axes of rotation: - central axis - corresponds to the axis of the spine; - two lateral - correspond to rotation around the oblique axis, which makes it possible to swing the pelvis to the sides; - three horizontal - prompt the body optimal movements of the center of gravity; - when changing the axes of rotation, the body can move forward in movement or can shift backward; - through axis - goes from front to back. I would like the person in motion to understand that a lot depends on the position of the pelvic bones. The human spine is in a vertical position, the entire mechanism of body biomechanics is aimed at ensuring that the upper parts of the spine look straight up, despite the fact that the spine can be curved due to scoliosis, kyphosis. Incorrect position of the spine is a consequence not only of disease, but and incorrect position of the pelvic bones in relation to other bones. Over the course of life, this ratio worsens not only internal processes, but also the general external rhythm of life. How to regulate this mechanism in natural ways? Following the laws of medicine is difficult. In medicine there are concepts: norm and pathology. Before the illness, this is all normal, so no changes or interventions are necessary, no need to change the position. No approaches have been developed to change this situation. It would be difficult to develop them using only a medical view of this problem. I propose my own program MIROTOK, in which I consider the human body as a three-dimensional information space. This corresponds to all the laws of the philosophy of development of all living things. I proposed the concept of "philosophy of the body". From a philosophical position, we can consider all types of body movement as some participation in the general life process. In nature, there are either optimal creative processes or suboptimal destructive processes. What criteria can be proposed for understanding the optimal rhythm of movements? This is a harmonious development of movements corresponding to the optimal frequency regime. In this frequency range are range of motion, color spectrum, sound range and other sensory factors that a person does not perceive, but they exist. In nature this is called a rainbow. Optimal human lifethis is being in the range of the rainbow or modeling this range using a mental image. One of the brightest manifestations of such a rhythm of life is the creative process, in which a person experiences not only an increase in energy, but also the satisfaction of his own creative realization in society. Understanding your life rhythm - learning motor, sound, tactile, olfactory, optimal frequency modes, which a person can model himself to maintain stable functioning of the body. For this, there is an individual course and a group educational and health course according to the MIROTOK program. The main directions of movements in the formation of the frequency spectrum, corresponding to the color scheme: With the help of movements, taking into account the individual constitution of a person, you can increase or decrease the frequency regime of different parts of the spine, change the functioning of internal organs and systems corresponding to the innervation of the spine, and harmonize all processes in the body. Necessary understand that at the first stage of forming an optimal life rhythm, it is difficult for a person to model it himself. Habitual life situations in society and in the work of the body tend to bring everything back, so the process of becoming and adjusting to the mode of independent mastery of one’s own rhythm is possible no earlier than 3–4 years, and during this time a person goes through 4 stages of learning: I. Health and life rhythm . II. Life rhythm and the inner world of a person. III. Life rhythm and the external world of man. IV. Life rhythm and emotional background. Having completed this course, a person is faced with the reality of our days - the presence of two main rhythmic processes surrounding us. This is a cyclic rhythm created by nature itself, and a man-made rhythm created by man (airplane flights, computers, etc.), which actively influence the rhythmic processes of the body, and cannot be ignored. Having learned to independently restore the rhythm of life, a person will need to go through an annual cycle to teach him to adequately perceive man-made and natural rhythms so that they do not cause conflicts in the human body. A person can be compared to a hydroelectric power station that operates on the ebb and flow of the tides, that is, water turns the generator with the ebb and flow of the tides, only in different directions. Only a natural understanding of non-conflict with surrounding rhythms will help a person find a compromise - health. Like a power plant generator, a person accumulates energy throughout his life. It is impossible to choose only a positive rhythm, and a person is doomed to a short life span. Of course, you need to diversify your life, strive to make it brighter, more interesting, more voluminous. If there is deep despondency and grayness around, then this can also cause conflict. Maintaining a compromise between brightness and grayness, so as not to cause social aggression, consumes a lot of human energy. In a person's life, the most basic principle should be the principle of self-sufficiency, and not the desire to obtain more and more material goods. The ability to find a compromise is the greatest wisdom and element of health. You will find my picturesque paintings on the color insert. The purpose of creating the paintings was the desire to help a person restore his creative potential, which harmonizes life processes in the body. Visual perception of pictures and physical exercises according to the MIROTOK program together form the rhythms of health. The main thing is to immerse yourself in the image of the picture. This is not meditation, not relaxation, this is a healing process of attuning the body with the picture. In our body there may be mechanical blocks acquired as a result of injuries that are treated by doctors, psycho-emotional, muscle blocks may arise, and there are also figurative blocks that almost no one deals with. Imaginative immersion in a picture in combination with physical exercises will help restore the rhythms of health and comprehensively eliminate mechanical, emotional-muscular and spiritual-figurative blocks. The creation of a picture by the author goes through the following steps:
