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From the author: Intrapersonal conflicts are unconscious phenomena that last a long time. They manifest themselves in certain behaviors and experiences. Every person has intrapersonal conflicts. Intrapersonal conflicts are worked through in the process of psychotherapy. When conflicts are worked through, the quality of life changes! A person realizes his plans and goals. According to OPD-2 (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics), there are 7 intrapersonal conflicts. This article is devoted to 1 conflict. CONFLICT OF AUTONOMY/DEPENDENCE (according to OPD-2) The most important conflict, which is the cause of depression, psychosomatics. Formed from 0.5 to 1.5 years and determined by the relationship between the child and mother. This conflict is distributed between opposite poles from closeness and dependence to well-formed independence and noticeable distance (autonomy). Autonomy and dependence are basic elements of human life and experience and are therefore integral to all areas of life. It is like being on your own - being and being able to be with others. The constancy of the parents is important. The leading affect is fear of increased closeness/distance. Passive mode: Comfortable being dependent, a person does not want to be autonomous, behaves subordinately in relation to his partner, positions himself as helpless, weak. The psychotherapist develops a sense of responsibility for the patient in countertransference. When there is a danger of losing a relationship, fear arises - the leading emotion of this conflict. Active mode In the active mode, one’s independence, independence, financial independence (“I will pay for myself”) is emphasized, but the desire (need) to depend unconsciously remains, pseudo-autonomy is demonstrated. These people have an increased likelihood of a heart attack. Relationships with a partner In the passive mode Such clients choose a partner or family voluntarily, who will obviously be superior to them, but he should not be active, should not tease them, and are very dependent in relationships with a partner, the need for such dependence, they don’t want changes in life, but they don’t realize it, they rationalize: “I can’t leave him alone.” Women choose a man who is inactive in sex. In the active mode, independence is emphasized in the relationship with a partner, the consequence is a lot of conflicts in the family, those around you suffer from activity, it is impossible to find a compromise in the family or any relationship is avoided, in extreme cases - the fear that you will be suppressed spouse. Relations in the parental family. In the passive mode. The phenomenon of mental non-adulting. As adults, they live with their parents (mama's daughter, mama's boy) - a frequently transmitted attitude. In the active mode Relationships in the family, they declare their own opinion very early, usually leave the family early, kick their children out of the house prematurely. Attitudes to work In the passive mode Subordinate position at work, avoids responsibility, he is the “second person”, there is no theme of competition, he is simply afraid to make a decision, it is important that the boss makes the decision. In the active mode As a rule, they occupy a leading position, become leaders, cannot depend on anyone, They cannot be under anyone, they are not capable of working in a team, of cooperation. Specialness, individuality (this is also found in studies, for example, an individual plan). Attitude to property In the passive mode Dependent, passive position. Outwardly, one gets the impression that nothing is needed, in fact, property frightens with responsibility. In the active mode, the financial side is the basis for one’s own independence (they open a bank account early, for example), but there may be another extreme - “I don’t need anything , but I am free and I do not depend on property. (Diogenes, hippie) Relations with society In the passive mode It is important to belong to some group, a sense of belonging, and in a group one will never be a leader, in a group one will follow the leader In the active mode They do not want to belong to any group, cynicism: “I.
