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From the author: This article calls for a fight against the irrational “shackles” of one’s own production. We are not perfect and we make mistakes. After such mistakes and failures in life, irrational thoughts may arise in our heads. For example: “I don’t have the right to make a mistake”, “it’s scary to take responsibility”, “something could happen to me”, “if I don’t monitor the situation, everything will be bad”, “you can’t trust anyone”, etc. .d. The problem with such thoughts is that they cause negative emotions in us, and ultimately affect our behavior. For example, a shy girl cannot meet men, she is afraid of it. Sooner or later, she has the following irrational thoughts: “I will never find myself a boyfriend,” “I cannot be loved,” “Nobody likes me,” and so on. All these arguments are easily disputed and do not pass the test of practice, but a person is so accustomed to them that he considers them true. Is there any benefit to such irrational thoughts? They cause fear and indecision. A person ceases to live fully, enclosing himself in the irrational “shackles” of his own production. Awareness of your irrational thoughts, in other words, your fear, is nothing more than the first step to cope with them. Let’s take this irrational thought: “Everyone should love me.” Feeling irrational? Can everyone love a person? Can everyone always like a person? Thus, irrationality lies in the obligation, the obligatory nature of this process for a person. But how can a person understand this irrationality? Very easy! Any irrational thought can be translated into a question, because an irrational thought is a veiled question. Let’s analyze everything using the same example: “everyone should love me” should develop into the question: “What if not everyone loves me?” This should be a clear and understandable question, to which there should be a clear and understandable answer: “Not everyone loves me and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Strong emotions are the fear of answering this question. Fear may sound like this: if not everyone loves me, then that means I’m bad, a nonentity. Such a negative answer to this question is the reason for this very irrational thought. A person is simply afraid to look into the eyes of his own fear, and he suffers from this. I offer you a simple and effective way to work with your irrational thoughts, namely, look your fear in the eye, do what is scariest of all. “Everyone should like me,” but let’s say no one likes me, and so what. This made me worse - no, I became a nonentity - no. There is no need to be afraid of your fear, you need to test it in practice and then everything will become more clear. It is clear that this test should not be carried out if the fear has some basis. But then you can penetrate into the basis of irrational thought, formulate a question and give a rational answer to it. Irrational thoughts prevent us from moving forward, hold us back and can cause personal problems..
