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From the author: A NEW WORD IN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: HYPOTHESES AND APPROBATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS COLLECTION OF MATERIALS of the XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, July 6, August 2, August 10, 2016 Under the general editorship of Candidate of Economic Sciences S.S. Chernova NOVOSIBIRSK. 2016 Psychological Sciences RAT (Resource Art Therapy) WE ARE CONDUCTING FURTHER RESEARCH OF OUR METHODOLOGY. We invite an audience from 40 to 65 years old with a further Free consultation based on the test results (in person or via Skype). The test will be sent to you by email (Skype or email for communication, see your personal page) I will be glad to have creative interaction. Test Author's technique "10 Steps" Color-associative diagnostics of the connection between Color, Image, Word The article presents the results of the author's technique by O.A. Boykova “10 steps”, aimed at studying the personal characteristics of adults using color-associative diagnostics of the connection between color, image, word. There are many factors influencing the development of personality. From the point of view of many psychologists, the most powerful tools for influencing all levels of the human psyche are color, image and word. Their synthesis also affects human emotions and intelligence, triggering important processes at the physiological, psycho-emotional and cognitive levels. For our study, we chose the age group from 18 to 55 years as the period of a person’s highest labor activity; it is during this period that the final formation of personality occurs. During this period, based on an understanding of their internal color choices, finding their personal positive affirmations, a person is able to self-realize and achieve their goals. He copes better with stress, is able to recognize his strengths and weaknesses, and is ready to help himself. Our research is devoted to the development and study of the perceptual connection of color-associative (working with color) and cognitive (working with words) processes, as well as the creation of positive affirmations with the possibility of further self-psychocorrection of the personality. Particular emphasis is placed on the development and testing of a pilot version of the author’s color-associative art therapeutic technique “10 steps.” 86 people took part in the study, of which 62 were women and 24 men. The object of the study was the connection between color, image, and words with personality traits. The subject of the study is color-associative diagnostics as a means of identifying this connection. The purpose of the study was to determine the connection between color, image, and word with personality characteristics during the period of highest labor activity. The study is based on the following hypothesis: color-associative diagnostics (the “10 steps” method) allows us to identify the connection between color, image, word and personality characteristics during the period of work activity; the psycho-emotional and cognitive state of the individual determine the choice of color, associations and images. Based on the study of the sample obtained, we compiled: personal (based on Cattell’s technique), color-emotional (based on Luscher’s technique), socio-psychological and color-associative (based on based on the “10 Steps” methodology) portraits of people during the period of highest labor activity. Author’s developments in this area make it possible to create a methodology that determines a person’s state through the analysis of the paintings he has chosen and their perception through color, image and word. Color associations - color, the method of conscious self-hypnosis - the word, working with our imagination - the image, that is, the trinity of interaction between color, image and word create the prerequisites for self-development and self-harmonization of the individual during the period of work activity. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the research of such domestic and foreign scientists as D. Bowlby, D. Winnicott, M. Klein, G. Sullivan, A. Freud, behaviorists J. Watson and B. Skinner (the founder of the social movement), A. Bandura and J. Rotter. In our research we relied on the theoryA.F. Lazursky about the exo and endopsyche, the theory of relations by V.N. Myasishchev, the installation theory of D.N. Uznadze, dispositional theory of personality V.Ya. Yadov, personality structure of K.K. Platonov, the theory of individuality B.G. Ananyev, works of P.K. Anokhina, A.N. Leontiev, as well as on the works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.A Averin, A.I. Ivanchikova, T.A. Nepomnyashchia, L.I. Bozhovich (the concept of personality), S.L. Rubinstein (essence of personality), J. Kelly (cognitive theory of personality), K. Rogers, A. Maslow (self-actualization, growth and personality development). Cattell R. (“Theory of personality traits”), works by Luscher M. (studies of psycho-emotional states of the individual). To compile the author’s test “10 steps”, in its theoretical part, we relied on the research of P.V. Yanshin (emotions in color), D. Keirsey’s questionnaire (created on the basis of the works of K.G. Jung, I.D. Myers and R. Briggs), the method of conscious self-hypnosis by E. Coue and C. Baudouin, as well as the works of N.V. Serov (inner colors of intelligence) and G.E. Breslav (color meditation; mechanisms and correction techniques). After studying the theoretical material, a computer method “10 steps” was developed, tested on the participants of the experiment. Next, the results obtained were compared with the results of valid methods of Luscher and Ketell. The results obtained are presented in the second chapter of our study. At the third stage, the results of the experimental work were systematized and generalized, and the degree of effectiveness of the developed color-associative program was assessed. Based on an experimental study, a study of the effectiveness of the author’s color-associative test program “10 steps” has begun. The “10 steps” methodology represents a synthesis, thanks to which it is possible to describe both personal characteristics and the psycho-emotional perception of an individual during the period of work activity. We assume that the answer on the questions of the author’s color-associative test “10 steps” and studying associative (author’s) paintings, the subject: 1) Focuses on his associative and color preferences (working with color) resonates with his biological, natural and psycho-emotional component; 2) Applies the method of conscious self-hypnosis (working with words) of positivity, bringing to life one’s internal resources, a person creates a solid support, translates unconscious reactions into positive affirmations, thereby promoting the harmonization of one’s internal physical, emotional and mental health and this gives it the opportunity to actively manifest itself in the outside world ;3) Creates images within himself that help connect color and word together, that is, he works with the imagination. The trinity of Color, Image, Word - forms the basis of this test: 1. Image - the choice of pictures is the associative choice of the subject2. Color – the psycho-emotional state of the subject (in our study we consider three groups of colors): group No. 1 – conscious resource-psychological state (primary colors according to Luscher); group No. 2 – color psychotype: extrovert, introvert, ambivert (new colors); group No. 3 – subconscious associative-resource state (associative colors);3. The word is a method of conscious self-hypnosis of the subject. The test allows you to: 1. Track the dynamics of changes in color programs when changing the level of color choice (based on four levels); 2. Learn to identify current needs (what does a person want?); 3. Determine the leading motives (what can a person do?); 4. Find existing reserves (hidden personality strength?); 5. Explore the tasks and problems of the individual (what should be worked with), both hidden and manifested at the present moment in time; 6. Create your own personal positive affirmations (which helps you get out of stress and find resource states). The author's color-associative technique, in addition to color choice, also includes a selection of four paintings. The choice is complemented by the compilation of affirmations. In this way, the trinity of color, image and word is realized. According to the methodology, for each personal portrait the desired thing was determined, thenwhat a person can afford, resources and problems. Thus, we combined the psychological state when choosing a color and at the same time connected subconscious impulses with a cognitive assessment. The choice of four paintings by subjects is determined by four levels. The levels reflect: Level I – (1st place) current needs “I want” (external manifestations). Create your own personal positive affirmations (which helps you get out of stress and find resource states); II level – (2nd place) leading motives “Real possibilities”, “Emotions”, “I can” (internal manifestations “Body Language”); III level – (3rd place) “Reserve” – (hidden strength); IV level – (4th place) “Existing problem” (a task worth working with). Personal positive affirmations are created according to the levels (which helps to get out of stress and find resource states); The color test set consists of three groups of colors. First group: we focus on eight colors according to Luscher: four primary (blue, green, red, yellow) and four additional (gray, black, brown) colors. Second group: we introduce new colors by correlating them with such concepts as: extroversion and introversion and ambiversion. Ambiversion (white), extroversion (gold), introversion (silver) colors. Third group: associative colors (according to the feelings of the test taker), this choice may or may not coincide with the colors of groups No. 1 and No. 2. In the process of our research We came to the conclusion that personality characteristics during the period of work activity are associated with the formation of a certain structure, which is reflected in the general personal profile of a person. According to the study, a general personality profile was compiled, as well as a male and female personality portrait. It was revealed that the personal characteristics of men and women differ in such indicators as: emotionality, development of imagination, tolerance to social difficulties. The similarities lie in the level of intelligence and the experience of aggressiveness. According to our data, during the period of highest labor activity, the personality is developed and mature in all respects. The choice of color was carried out according to the “law of four psychological levels”: the desired, bodily state as opportunities, reserves and problems. The emotional state is a reflection of the surrounding reality. Actively interacting with the environment through work, a person is either in a state of success or in a situation of failure or unsatisfaction of current needs. Emotions that are associated with a feeling of satisfaction, strength and success, the so-called positive emotions, will belong to the first group. Those associated with feelings of depression, failure and weakness - negative feelings - would be classified as the second case. In order to satisfy his own needs, a person needs to develop analytical thinking and acquire scientific knowledge of the world around him. In addition, being in the labor process most of the time, a person finds himself included in a system of relationships, while solving a number of problems. Firstly, inclusion presupposes interaction with others, adjustment to the laws and rules existing in the system, and on the other hand, one way or another the subject influences the environment, transforming it taking into account his own needs. Interaction with the environment is carried out through the process of communication. The presence of internal resources is important for the individual for the process of development, promotion and career growth, training and improvement of existing work skills and knowledge. Thus, the degree of satisfaction, inclusion in the social system, motivational orientation in the process of work, success or difficulties in communication, emotional state one way or another should have been reflected in the results of the psychodiagnostic study. The Cattell Questionnaire is a verbal method of research and implies the activity of the subject himself. and intellectual assessment of one’s own condition, needs and).
