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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” The most accurate visual way of identifying a lie is based on the movement of our gaze. They say that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul,” or “only your eyes can tell the truth,” “the eyes don’t lie.” Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) considers eye movement patterns within the framework of its theory. Observing a person, it is easy to notice that his throughout the conversation, the gaze is directed first in one direction or the other. Scientists associate the movement of the gaze with the process of human perception and identify three main channels through which people receive and process information: Visual channel. It is associated with visual images, everything that we see with our eyes; Auditory channel. Associated with hearing, the sounds that we perceive; Kinesthetic channel. All information related to sensations, feelings, smells, tastes, and experiences passes through it. For each person, one of these channels, as a rule, is the leading one. Some of us live more by images, some by feelings, and some by stories and news and love with our ears! At the same time, each of us uses all systems as necessary. The theory and practice of NLP says: Eyes facing upwards give us figurative representations. Eyes walking along the horizontal axis help us perceive and reproduce speech and sounds. If our gaze is directed down - this is associated with sensations or internal monologue. At the same time: for right-handed people, the left side is an area associated with the past, the right - with the future. For left-handed people it's completely the opposite. Look at the diagram. It shows the movement of the gaze and the corresponding channel of perception. The gaze is directed upward. It is difficult for a person in this position to think about anything (try it yourself). He's probably just avoiding the conversation and doesn't want to delve into the topic. VK is suspended. Look up and to the right (from the side of the interlocutor). Visual design. In this case, the person turns to the future or invents images.BB. Looking up and to the left - a person turns to the past, remembers some of his pictures (visual images). Visual recall.AK. Looking horizontally to the right - constructing speech, inventing. AB. A horizontal look to the left - a person in the past, he remembers speeches, words. A look down. Most likely the interlocutor cannot hear you. He was completely lost in his experiences.K. Looking to the right and down - experiencing, imagining oneself in the place of another; VD. Looking down to the left is an internal monologue or dialogue, as well as a memory of one’s own experiences. Let’s try it. Find yourself an interlocutor who is ready to participate in your experiment. First, determine whether he is right-handed or left-handed. It depends not only on the leading hand. A person can also be a hidden left-hander. To determine this, there are special neuro-psychological tests. But at the beginning of the conversation, you can simply ask a security question formulated for the answer “Yes” - the answer to which you know for sure. Observe the oculomotor reaction. It is the very first, perhaps even fleeting, movement of the eye that is important. If it is directed to the memory to the left-up, side or bottom, then your interlocutor is right-handed. And vice versa. Or: “Ask him to imagine green pancakes topped with red sour cream.” It’s unlikely he’s ever seen such a product. And look at the movements of his eyes, where his eyes often go when constructing an image. Note that the gaze may for some moments be directed towards the memories of images (for right-handed people it is upward to the left), since a person, when inventing something new, always takes old memories, models them, changing them. Enter into any dialogue and look your interlocutor in the eyes and you will easily you will understand what he is doing now: Remembering or inventing images of familiar people and events; Recalling stories told and someone’s speeches, or preparing to answer you by composing another phrase to himself; Or perhaps your interlocutor has gone into his feelings, remembering experiences he once had then feelings, or he is strong!
