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Attributes of male education. The little boy fell and cried loudly, repeating all the time that he was in pain. Mom said: “Don’t cry. Do men get hurt?” The child’s tears seemed to become even stronger. Dad added: “Men sometimes hurt a lot, but they don’t show it.” The boy immediately stopped crying. So what is male education? What does it depend on and what does it depend on? And in general, what should it be like? What is the difference between being raised by a father and a mother? on ancient Vedic knowledge. I would like to start with the internal differences in the organization of the personality of a man and a woman. Yes, this is exactly where we are talking about. we guess, but often do not take into account, and determine our behavior and the role that we must fulfill in life, as men and women. Often we do not know about these features or are vaguely aware of them, and almost each of us builds relationships with the opposite sex. makes the same mistake - we expect the “other” to behave the way we do, forgetting that men and women are really different. We also forget that when building a relationship with our son or daughter, we are building a relationship with a man or woman. Our children have already been born as them, and in order to help them become happy in life, we need to remember that men and women are built differently and children need to be raised taking into account gender. And to do this, at a minimum, you need to understand these differences. Why is this so important? Yes, because one of the most important principles of upbringing in a family is how father and mother, man and woman build their relationships. It’s important because our children simply absorb this model. Assimilation occurs on a subconscious level. We build our families according to the model that was in the families of our parents. Our children will build theirs on our example. How many of us would like our children to repeat our mistakes? I think no. This means that it makes sense to build relationships in the family correctly and give children the correct model of building a family, understanding and fulfilling the roles of men and women in the family, and this means giving them the opportunity to be happy. Let's start with the organization of personality. Men: Women: Mind Mind Mind Feelings Mind Feelings As we see, in men the mind is connected with the mind and there is free space between the mind and feelings. For women, the mind is connected to feelings and there is free space between the mind and reason. That is why the personality structure of men and women is different. Due to this organization of personality, men live by ideas, thoughts; they need to think and reason. Women live by emotions and relationships. Men love solitude because... the mind is divorced from feelings. Women love the world of relationships and communication. A man becomes silent when he has a problematic situation or is tense. A woman in tension, in a problematic situation, begins to talk a lot. This means that finding inner harmony in women occurs through speech, in men through loneliness - you need to respect this feature in each other andunderstand that in this way each of us finds harmony. This is why we behave differently at home: a man comes home from work - he needs silence, time to be alone with himself and tune in to interactions in the family. A woman comes home and starts talking, she needs a listener. Also, it is extremely important for a man to have a goal in life (idea, mission, purpose) and it is very important that a woman supports him in this mission. Because masculine qualities manifest themselves and develop precisely at the level of ideas and in activity. If a man has no idea what he lives for, then he does not exist as a person. When a man seriously dedicates his life to something, a woman respects him, and he respects himself. A man must respect himself, he can live without much, but without respect he cannot. Respect for a man comes through a woman. A woman seeks protection from her feelings in a man. They attack her all the time with their impressions. To protect a woman from her own mind is a man's responsibility and duty. What does this mean in reality? This means that the man in the family should simply listen to his wife, giving her emotional support. In fact, when a woman speaks, in most cases she does not need your advice or your opinion on this or that event (she will ask about it if she needs it), she does not need your conclusion about the correctness or error of her actions, but Also, don’t try to look for a deeper meaning in her words - she just needs her man to listen to her carefully and support her with his silent calm. A woman is looking for refuge, strength, support. Masculine nature calms a woman and gives her strength. If a man does not listen to his woman, he does not give her protection and the woman feels defenseless next to such a man. Also, when he simply cuts off a woman, this is simply a manifestation of power, exploitation, disrespect for a woman, and accordingly such a man deprives himself of the woman’s respect and brings very big problems onto his head. There is an expression: “good men make a woman happy, bad men make a woman strong.” A strong woman will fight with a man - in the end both will lose. Those. It is the man's responsibility to understand the nature of woman. (Its nature includes: periodic hysterics, anxiety, complaints of fatigue, caustic words addressed to a man). Her mental state is not stable. A man, understanding this, should always remain calm in such cases and help calm his wife. The husband is obliged to explain everyday truths to his wife as much as necessary, even if it’s the same thing every day. There is another dependence - if a man gives a woman a sense of protection, she will obey and respect him. If the wife obeys, the children will obey their parents, and both parents! But not the other way around - this is the law. The most common mistake parents make is that quarrels and showdowns occur in front of the children, and that the mother, who is trying to dominate the family and questions the authority of the father, deprives both him and herself of authority. As a result, the child will neither obey nor accept information from both parents. For a child, especially in adolescence, the program will work: “If they are squabbling among themselves, it means that the authority of both is questionable. And therefore, he must be challenged and belittled, rising above them himself.” Thus, by competing with each other (the father forbade it, and the mother allowed it, or vice versa; challenging the correctness of each other’s educational influences in the presence of children), we lose the opportunity to influence our child. I would like to note one more interesting feature: if a man begins to quarrel with his wife, he immediately loses authority in her eyes. She understands that she is the same as me, there is no difference. But if he just listens to her silently, she understands that there is some kind of power. If a woman shows character in the family, suppresses pride and independence in a man, and shows it in herself, then by this she!
