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From the author: “If we want to save the family, then we need to work on what can destroy it.” The first time I heard this term was from Robin Skinner and I could not find a worthy analogue, since these words, They provide the best possible opportunity to identify our hidden feelings and what we do not want to see and do not allow others to see. What is a “screen”? This is a kind of structure, perhaps aesthetically attractive, which can hide from the eyes what you actually don’t want to see. That is, its function is to hide from view. Each of us has feelings that we do not want to feel, we are afraid of them, they hurt and we are ashamed of them and we cannot own them. For example: envy. Envy is bad. We know this is bad, but we feel it, we are afraid and do not want to admit it in ourselves. Sometimes we feel envy of our husband, but don’t admit it, sometimes we feel envy of our mother, and we don’t admit the same, because we remember that envy is bad, that’s what mom or grandma or dad’s mom said. Without really understanding, we hide these feelings “behind screen,” we hide from others and we hide from ourselves. The habit is passed on to children...and their children...and their children's children. And now, in the third generation, we have a tradition of not envying, or not being angry... we already have such a tradition. So, the secret of families and perhaps the miracle of uniting two hearts is that we fall in love with the one who hid the same thing, so do we! And that’s why we say, he is “the other half”, we understand each other perfectly, etc. etc. We seem created for each other, since we have the same weaknesses and the same contents of “screens”. The paradox is that with your partner it will be equally easy and difficult for you at the same time: how much you trust him, just as much you may hate it. It's all about the degree of "openness". If you and your husband can slightly reveal the most secret places of your consciousness, allow you to find out about all the things that are unpleasant for you, then a happy ending is simply inevitable. The more courage you have, the more likely it is to cope with all the problems. We are attracted to each other , because we are similar. And the phrase “opposites attract” is not always true, more often he or I seem completely different to him. It's an illusion. We are similar in our families, origins, family traditions, attitudes and ways of upbringing. In general, there are similarities in every family, you just need to look, as I like to say, “at the whole picture from a bird’s eye view.” We are similar “screens”. That is, we marry with “families”, and not with one guy or girl. For your own interest, take a closer look at yourself and your family, at your parents, try to determine what feelings you are not accustomed to expressing. Also, determine what attracted you so much to your husband, that when you met, you did the same things, and in what ways you are similar now. And these are not necessarily food preferences. We are talking about what can cause discomfort now, but before “he wasn’t like that.” We want to save the family, which means we need to work on what can destroy it. Let’s get acquainted with the contents of our “screens”".
