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Gaming addiction is a condition where a person becomes unable to control their time spent playing games. People suffering from this addiction may spend hours playing games without paying attention to their responsibilities and social contacts. They may also spend money on buying new games and gaming devices. If we look at it as an addiction, then there is really no difference. Signs:1. The priority of the game is higher than family, work, hobbies and even the player himself2. An irresistible desire to play, a person is not able to control his desire; if the thought of playing comes to his mind, then he is no longer able to stop3. Tolerance, time spent on the game increases, in the case of gambling, losses increase.4. Game, as a way to change one’s state, often a person begins to play when unpleasant situations occur in his life.5. Lack of criticism, a person is not able to independently assess whether he really has problems in life today, he considers his behavior normal.6. “Hangover”, after a while after the game, a person develops a state of anxiety and irritability7. A person lies to his loved ones for the sake of “gaming” There are also stages of gaming addiction: Initial, there is no addiction, a person can play, but this does not affect life in any way Abuse, a system appears, the time spent in the game increases, constant thoughts about the game appear Mental addiction, gaming becomes the most important thing in life, nothing can stop the player. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), gaming disorder was introduced - a model of gaming behavior characterized by impaired control over the game, giving the game an increasing priority compared to other activities to such an extent that it is given preference over other interests and daily activities, as well as the continuation or intensification of gaming activities despite the appearance of undesirable consequences. Addiction is not a death sentence, and there are ways to solve this problem. They are similar to other types of addiction, such as alcoholism and drug addiction. You can do this yourself, but you can save time and get the desired result by contacting a specialist.
