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According to statistics, most people still don’t know what they want. But what about the apartment, car, dacha, you say? Yes, people think that they have goals, but why don’t they receive joy from achieving them, or they do, but it passes very quickly. “But it could have been better,” you think, and instead of enjoying your success, you begin to condemn yourself, blame others in general, and simply be somehow dissatisfied with your goal. Is it your own? This may be the reason for the displeasure. We are accustomed to the fact that goals in our lives are set by someone else - politicians, society, friends. For such purposes, we are already so confused that we lose ourselves. How to understand your goal? How can I tell if it's mine? Why aren't my goals being achieved? What do I even want? Probably everyone has asked themselves this question at least once when thinking about the goals that they set and achieve. The opposite situation also happens. When there are too many goals. The modern world offers a huge choice, you want everything at once. Be in time everywhere, feel everything, try it. How to set priorities? How to hear yourself. And in general, what is a goal? In psychology, a goal is a conscious idea of ​​the result that should be achieved through the directed efforts of an individual in the course of its interaction and communication. That is, the main thing in a goal is to see the end result. The main thing is to understand why exactly we need this result, why? What will we gain? How will we feel when we receive it? Is this necessary at all? And what am I really ready to do and invest to achieve my goal? It is necessary to answer these questions quite honestly, then many “extra” goals will simply fade into the background. Be more attentive to yourself. In fact, all our goals are steps on the path of life, development, growth. Our whole life consists of goals, whether we realize it or not. Goals, from the smallest to the global. And the more clearly and consciously we set our goals, the better quality our life will be and the result we will ultimately achieve. Have you ever thought about what life without a goal is? And in general, can this be called life or just existence? Go with the flow, like an amoeba, dreaming of nothing, not knowing what you want. Without strategy and plans for the future, completely without anything. Even animals have basic needs, not goals of course, but instincts, desires to eat, drink, sleep, the need for procreation. But for some people, in fact, nothing else is needed, so is this why we were born as humans? So why are many people satisfied with such a life automatically, on instincts? Life without goals is a complete loss of oneself as an individual! A person simply turns into a plant, seemingly alive, but in reality there is no life. Goals, goals and dreams fill life with meaning, vivid impressions, active movement towards his own goal, not imposed by anyone. And then a person reveals himself as an individual, each of his the day is full. By setting goals we save our time. time of our lives, to do exactly what we like, what we want. After all, time is an irreplaceable and too expensive resource to waste it aimlessly and thoughtlessly! Do you remember right now when you set and wrote down goals? Have you set your priorities? Do you remember how you felt from the result obtained? Think back to your most memorable moments of achieving your goals. How happy you were. How happy you were! Do it! Your present and your future depend only on you. Perhaps even now you have noticed some monotony, perhaps you have long realized that you would like to change something. So do it right now! Write down your 3 main goals for which you should start truly living again! Do it! Right here, today now!!! 01/24/2012 Alena Paivina, certified trainer, expert in the field of personal growth and human resource management
