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No, not to criticize, but to make comments. What is the difference? Only in the emotional component. Criticism is simple, it’s direct, it’s concrete, it’s often painful, without beating around the bush. Here the “enemy” is obvious – the one who criticizes. Moreover, this criticism may even be appropriate, in fact. Criticism is often harsh. And yet, this is what I see: on creative pages on social networks, participants post photos of their creative experiments - drawings, dot painting, products with decoupage, products made of polymer clay,..., much more. At the same time, two phrases are written: “Don’t judge strictly” and “Criticism is welcome.” Beginners are required to report that they are newbies. This is where the great love for getting hit in the head is manifested, and official permission is given for this, albeit with reservations - “hit, but not hard.” I don’t understand at all, why beat? If the opinion of a master is important to you, then ask him directly what he thinks about your work. If you just want to join, join a party united by common interests, just post your work without excuses, without whining “criticize, but not kill.” Dependence on the opinions of others is a “disease” that many are infected with. Moreover, elements of sadomasochism (as in the example above) appear at every step. Why did you decide that you need to be criticized? Why don’t you ask for support, for example, like this: “I’m a beginner, here are my first works, please support with a kind word”? The answer is on the surface: childhood experience, where mom (dad) constantly criticized, there was no support, no one taught how to receive this support , no one taught how to get attention when you want to be the center of attention. Then criticism is understood as a way to get at least some attention. Yes, stupid attention, sick - well, whatever it is. Criticism is criticism, but there is another way of manipulation - making a remark. Comments are usually made politely. Sometimes it’s cloying - polite, it makes you want to puke. This is such polite criticism, powdered with the piety of the one who makes the remark. The one who makes such a polite remark to you puts himself head and shoulders above you, he begins to dominate the situation in which you find yourself. It is difficult to object to such polite pressure: as a rule, the comments are logical and to the point. As a rule, the body reacts with compression - all the muscles immediately tense when you hear comments addressed to you. If you physically tense, then you have already agreed with what your interlocutor is telling you. It is very important to learn to switch the focus of attention from yourself to your interlocutor. To do this, there are different techniques for responding to the words (criticism) of a partner. The technique I use most often is: I clarify what the person is actually talking about and whether I understood him correctly: “Tell me a little more about this.” The partner begins to expand the meaning of what was said, he is in the center of my attention (I listen to him carefully), he automatically receives two goodies, satisfying two needs: to be in the center of attention and to be significant. The anxiety of the person who reprimanded you automatically drops. Don't be surprised if after a couple of minutes you hear an apology from him, or if his tone of voice becomes soft and quite friendly. Then this is already a dialogue in which you both can participate while maintaining self-respect. Do you make a remark yourself and are they offended? Before sculpting the truth, ask if your partner wants to hear your opinion? If you are given the go-ahead, then say, stating the facts: “here and there are such and such mistakes, I suggest you do this and that, then the result will be like this.” When you simply make a comment, it usually causes resistance. The severity of resistance may vary, but it exists. When you then propose a solution to the problem that leads to the desired result, then, as a rule, this arouses interest. Yes, there are those who resist, butt heads, insist on their own, then get involved in different stories and you want.
