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Have there ever been such moments in your relationship with a man when, with sadness, melancholy, or maybe with irritation, you realized what you were doing, saying not what you want, but what your partner wants? partner? That you involuntarily or willingly adapt to a man’s expectations? When loving, do you try to do everything possible and impossible for him, even at the cost of giving up your own importance? Almost every woman can remember such relationships in her past, or similar moments in her existing life. Many women cannot consider themselves normal if they do not have a husband or at least a regular lover. And such a woman tries her best so that the man who pays attention to her understands how wonderful she is, how much he needs her, wants to live and be with her. And there would be nothing in such a desire if it were not for the excesses towards adjustment, characteristic of a woman who is afraid. Afraid of being alone again. Afraid of seeming not as soft as she looks, not as energetic as she wants to seem, not as sexy - not as she is. The price for maintaining a relationship is too high - not being yourself. Of course, this decision is not made consciously. Deep inside sits the confidence that no one will definitely need her the way she is - with a bad mood, quirks, and whims. And you need to hide this ugliness of yours. And get people interested in the bright, shiny side of the medal. She will be appreciated and loved. Just like in childhood. When parents praised and accepted only for manifestations of goodness. And at other moments, of which there were plenty, they said: “What a complex character! Who will need you with such a character! “Look, no one will marry you - you will behave like this!” And the girl remembered that under no circumstances should you show your difficulties, your “bad” character. Otherwise no one will marry you. And in relationships he tries to hide exactly half of himself - what he considers unworthy and “bad” in himself. But the desired relationship, where two people love each other and are happy, for some reason never happened in her life. Despite her efforts, men still left her life. Or, it happens that there is a man, but there is no happiness - the soul is not calm. Unfortunately, many do not have time to understand in their lives that only by having frankness and courage to turn our different sides to our partner in relationships, we have the opportunity to build satisfying relationships. Because in a relationship we feel exactly as good as we accept ourselves and can convey ourselves entirely to another, without hiding or being ashamed. By enduring and believing that they are loved not only for individual good qualities. It is a great illusion to think that through the love of another person a woman can finally feel worthy of respect, love, and happiness. Everything is just the opposite - first she will have to feel worthy of respect, love, happiness, and then these feelings will be confirmed in the relationship. After a stable feeling of self-worth, you need to determine within yourself what you want, what suits you, and what does not suit you in a relationship. Then learn to convey this to a man, build your boundaries. And here you need to be able to withstand the dissatisfaction of another. Especially if you previously accepted his point of view without talking. Only by possessing the above skills and attitudes can a woman feel like herself in a relationship without falling into adaptation, and as a result, into dissatisfaction. And then the man next to you will be able to become interested in that core that is impossible not to feel. Which, precisely, evokes respect and a desire not only to take, but also to give, knowing and feeling that now you are sincere and really agree with what is happening, without pretending.
