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We all know how relationships begin: passion, “butterflies”, sleepless nights waiting for messages... Almost a “honeymoon”, only at the very beginning of a romantic relationship. And although we like these surges of adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin, provoked by bright positive emotions, it is important to understand one thing: this stage will soon end, because any light will eventually go out. This is not bad or sad: just every relationship must go through certain stages. And the next stage is mature love. What is it based on? A feeling of warmth. This is what begins when all the fires go out. If love does not go away after unbridled passion, then it simply develops into warmth - this happens, according to various studies, within 6-24 months after the start of a relationship, and is a natural continuation of the romantic story. Couples who have been together for decades report that even after this period of time they experience emotional excitement at the sight of their loved ones. Caring. This is what we express when we tell our loved ones: “You are important to me, I care what happens to you. I will take care of you.” Caring includes two important components: concern for the well-being of the other half and a willingness to do something to provide protection and help. Expression of affection. It seems obvious, but over the years in couples, hugs and words of love disappear or appear only in the bedroom. Sometimes gentle words or just a smile can make everything better, don't forget that! Acceptance. In mature relationships it is usually unconditional. You and your partner may have many differences - from significant ones, such as cultural and religious, to small things - but only with acceptance can you completely relax and be yourself. Remember: true intimacy cannot be achieved if your love for another person depends on his good behavior. Sensitivity to the problems and vulnerabilities of your significant other helps to avoid unnecessary pain. Pay attention to what is a sore subject for your partner, what worries him and can upset him. If you notice that he is especially offended by certain actions, don't get defensive; think about what it really is.
