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Take 7 steps to believe in yourself. Step 1. Choose the right meanings. The word “faith” itself (and its derivative word “confidence”) - by definition means perceiving as truth what no physical evidence. Dictionaries give the following definition of faith: recognition of something as true without preliminary factual or logical verification. If you rely on semantics and logic, it is no easier for the soul. French writer (actor and playwright) Eric Emmanuel Schmidt in the book “The Gospel of Pilate” speaks through the mouth of Claudia Procula , wife of Pontius Pilate: “Doubting and believing are the same thing, Pilate. Only indifference is godless.” And since human nature is selfish, it is difficult to believe in indifference to oneself. We doubt that success awaits us because we have not achieved it yet - there is no evidence, no real facts; it has not yet become our experience. But in your experience there are already enough supporting moments, precisely such situations in which, having rammed the wall of doubts (your own and others), you came to a great achievement. The very first of them is life itself! Didn’t your mother have fears during the period of toxicosis? Who encouraged you as you walked through the birth canal? Who gave the instructions: how exactly should you scream for the first time in your life? You did it! Isn’t this a miracle?! And there are quite a few achievements under your belt - these include any business that you started for the first time, and the result turned out great. You tied your shoelaces, sewed on a button, learned poetry by heart, played the piano, wrote a report, spoke in front of an audience... Now you do all this easily, “automatically,” as if you always knew how. All these achievements are FACTS on which self-confidence can be based. Your life experience makes recognizing that you are capable of success, despite doubts, a truth that has passed the test of logic. Step 2. Create your personal mantra! In any endeavor, not everything goes smoothly. There will always be a wit with his well-worn comment: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always...”. And now you are already limp and ready to give up. But suddenly a cheerful friend appears nearby, who will slap you on the shoulder and say a few words of support (like: nothing special) - and self-confidence returns, and you are again ready to “move mountains”! But on the way to success, become slack and look for someone who will tell you the right word in difficult times - there is no time! Become this “cheerful comrade” for yourself! A personal mantra will inspire you, even when something goes wrong. But remember: this is not just repeating beautiful words that sound impressive. These words should be meaningful specifically for you! Then they will become an internal source of “recharging” and will be able to very quickly reconfigure you for a new persistent “throw”. When difficulties arise in the process of implementing plans, my husband says: “The one who walks will master the road” - and continues to move forward. I encourage myself with the phrase: “And if it doesn’t work out, let’s try again!” - and I try until “victorious”! My colleague is internally collected by the statement: “If you have determined the goal, then you have already passed half the way!” And recently I met an optimist who literally boasted: “I believed in Santa Claus for many years (as a child), and he never let me down. Now I CHOOSE to believe in myself!” Friends, share your magical aphorisms in the comments! find inner “lighters” for a friend! Step 3. Debunk failures. Reflection is a person’s ability to evaluate what happened from different points of view. Looking back, we evaluate many events differently than then, in the moment we change: experience, knowledge are added... It also changes. our point of view. What seemed romantic in youth is assessed as discomfort with age. And what was scary at the beginning of a career is today an ordinary operation. It is possible to analyze past failures from the height of today’s position. For example: my relative survived a fire in her youth. A real tragedy! Thank God, everyone survived. Subsequently, her family was given an apartment in a busy area of ​​the city. No one diminishes the sadness of this event, but good consequences followed it: Instead.a private house with a lot of everyday difficulties, the family received a comfortable apartment with all the amenities. A young girl, having emerged from the whirlpool of a boring outskirts, plunged into the rapid stream of youth life, made many friends. In the same area there was a college with a specialty that was interesting to her. Her parents would not have allowed her to travel across the city to study from her outback: either she would have lost another 2 years at school, or she would have had to choose another educational institution - not by her liking, but by geography. In college, she met her love and subsequently graduated successfully married So it turns out: “There is no silver lining!” This is how I suggest you “debunk” the failures of the past, and instead of the one-sided stigma of “bad,” consider other sides. When thinking about a distant sad event or an unsuccessful project, ask yourself:❓What I understood during this event? What new conclusions and beliefs have enriched my consciousness?❓How has my attitude towards myself and other people changed as a result? Has my behavior changed?❓Did this event help me rethink my principles? What have I learned to appreciate?❓What positive events in my life were a direct consequence of this misfortune? Past failures made you stronger, wiser, spiritually richer. And now don’t doubt yourself:▪️ either success awaits you▪️ or invaluable experience with unpredictable good consequencesTwo “paths” " - both are good! Step 4. Necklace of achievements. Talking about positive thinking, I already gave a recommendation - to keep a Success Diary. There is another similar method. The only difference is that in this case we remember our achievements selectively - in a separate area. Let’s imagine that before the start of a new stage in life, uncertainty begins to “strangle” you, figuratively speaking. To combat it you need to remember your successful steps, the difficulties that you have already overcome. If this is excitement before the wedding under the motto: “What if in a year we will constantly quarrel, not understanding each other?!” - this is personal life. Remember all the situations in which you made peace, reached mutual understanding, sympathized and consoled: your mother, girlfriend, older brother, a random fellow traveler on the train... If there is a new business project ahead, this is the social sphere. Write the story of your victories in the public sphere activities: winning a prize in a school chemistry Olympiad, giving a report at a scientific conference at an institute, organizing a camping trip with friends. Victories do not have to be large-scale. Each case turns into a precious bead and is figuratively strung on this “noose” of uncertainty. Gradually, it becomes a weighty necklace that adorns your chest and instills confidence. Step 5. Ask for help. While everything is going well, we don’t even think about whether we believe in ourselves! But as soon as our goals or desires hit the “iceberg” of problems, limitations and uncertainty, this request becomes relevant. A complex task is indeed like an iceberg: it seems huge, there is “no way around it, no way around it”, all the details are not fully known , and there is catastrophically little time to correct the situation. “I can’t handle it!” — a panicked phrase knocks on the crown of your head and interferes with your thinking. But. ⚠️ Are you really left alone with all this? Make a list of your friends, good acquaintances, professional colleagues. You see: there is someone to turn to for help! If we assume that each of these people will really help in some way (each will contribute something of their own) - the task will no longer seem so huge. Then contact each of this list with a question. Tell us the idea of ​​your new project, or describe a difficult situation and ask: “What quality of mine do you think will help me achieve results?” This way you will get a whole arsenal of your strong character traits. They will “line up” into the foundation on which your confidence will rest! Step 6. Examples of the great. When looking for self-confidence, it can be very useful to read books or articles, watch films that tell the biographies of famous people. Especially those you yourself respect for their achievements. These do not have to be great rulers or scientists. Musician or artist!
