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Health problems happen to everyone, and everyone has their own way of deciding how to heal themselves. Some people accept illness as an inevitability and put up with it, while others, unknowingly, move into the category of “those who want to get sick,” receiving hidden benefits, i.e., increased attention from their loved ones, and skillfully manipulates them. Have you noticed how older people like to list their illnesses, saying: “What are you, what are you, I have illnesses!..,” as if proud of it? And some recover, breaking all the stereotypes that are so skillfully laid in our consciousness! This programming of our consciousness is clearly not accidental, since the pharmaceutical industry lobbies its interests. And television, the Internet, and the media help spread certain attitudes. Advertising figures constantly advise us to buy something. Life without pills is perceived as something unreal and transcendental, bordering on a miracle. Isn't it strange? At the same time, most diseases “come from the head,” that is, from thoughts, and few people really understand how relevant this is and how accurately it reflects the true state of affairs in our lives. Physicists have long proven that any thought has its own parameters: weight, volume, frequency, wave strength, vibration, color. But how much do we know about this? After all, some believe that if you can’t touch it with your hands, then it doesn’t exist in the world, but ignorance of the laws of physics, that is, the laws of nature, does not exempt you from responsibility. And sometimes, in order to help a person, it is necessary to know psychosomatics and infosomatics, because help in parts is not effective. It is important to understand and know that everything in our body is inseparable and connected. Modern medicine does not treat or rid humanity of diseases, but only gives a respite for the development of the mind, and only tries to treat the consequence of the disease with which the patient is treating. Thus, when diagnosed with arrhythmia, official medicine only supports the patient’s life with pills, which, as is known, have a side effect: an allergy may develop if the body cannot cope with the chemistry. Arrhythmia usually occurs when a person’s fourth emotional chakra (heart, as it is also called) is closed or a person lives with a feeling of deep guilt, which he, as a rule, is not aware of. But once the feeling of guilt is worked through and the person’s energy centers are opened, arrhythmia becomes a thing of the past, the person recovers. Another example, which was a pleasant surprise for me, because today vision is restored only by surgery, and in no other way! So, a woman who began to lose her sight from severe stress at the age of ten, after living for 60 years wearing glasses, at the age of 68 was examined by an ophthalmologist, and she was sent for surgery, because she had cataracts in both eyes, Moreover, there was a serious minus: on the right - -5, on the left - -3. But after working through the stress of sixty years ago and restoring the energy fields of this elderly person at the energy-information level, after 6 months the woman discovered qualitative changes: the cataract began to bother her less, and the urgent need for surgical intervention disappeared altogether, because her vision improved. Now she can do without glasses at home, and her vision has become -3 in her right eye and -2 in her left. But the work was aimed at restoring the body and working through completely different problems! The improvement in vision was a pleasant surprise. There are quite a lot of settings and internal restrictions that everyone sets for themselves. And the most common internal attitude towards the appearance of inevitable problems with the advent of old age is found. Many are sure that illnesses should appear with age, and they treat illnesses as the norm, and by this they explain to themselves with a sigh: “Well, what do you want, this is
