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From the author: Common phrases, motivations, advertising slogans...What are they about? The advertising slogan is “Take everything from life!” This is a topic for special reflection. Just today, having heard these words somewhere, I shrugged my shoulders in the usual irritated manner, driving away the obsessive combination of words. And I thought about it. But what interesting words... Let's look together? "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM LIFE!" But there are several layers of meaning here. Structure: Energetic formula. The verb is in the imperative mood, an incomplete sentence, the subject is omitted. Fine. This is exactly how advertising texts are composed, this is how the commands sound: “Stay at attention! March!” The command has one feature: the command (order) is carried out quickly and without thinking, without criticism. This is a developed automatic action. So: what automatic action prompts us to the order: “Take everything from life!”? The verb “take” - its direct meaning is “to take possession of, to appropriate” EVERYTHING that is in life. Fine. Take it like that. But in combination with the preposition “from,” the verb “to take” sounds sharp - meaning a decrease, a decrease in who or what they take from. Moreover, they take without hesitation and without the consent of the person from whom they take. We translate this phrase: “Take from this life what you see, want, and can. Take more, take everything, take for yourself, whoever takes more is a great fellow!” Let there be abundant joy in your life, a lot of adrenaline, a lot of money, pleasures, entertainment, love affairs, feelings of the unknown - at any cost (even drugs), since in this life there is only you and your desires. Sounds like? It seems. This is how the author of the text intended it. But the text, having become detached from the author, inevitably begins to live its own life. And the Author no longer has control over him: “Take EVERYTHING from life!” The key word is "ALL". Like a contract signed in blood, in which there are two points: After all, “EVERYTHING” is joy, pleasure, passion, desire, possession, success, pleasure, strength, health, beauty... and also “boredom, grief, illness, suffering , melancholy, illness, despair, the torment of loneliness, rejection, contempt, indifference, fear...." AND ALL THIS IS LIFE. What a wise phrase. Wise to the point of guile - if you “subscribe” - then you really take EVERYTHING. Who is the Author? Isn’t he the one who said: “I am part of that force that always wants evil/And always does good?? "
