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“Love does not get along well with fear” Machiavelli THE INFLUENCE OF FAMILY EDUCATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEARS IN CHILDREN The family can be both a powerful factor in the development of emotional and psychological support for the individual, and a source of mental trauma and related with a variety of personality disorders: neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic diseases, sexual perversions and behavioral deviations. A person is sensitive to the family atmosphere throughout his life, but the family has the greatest influence on the developing personality. In the family, the child’s attitude towards himself and the people around him is formed. It is where the primary socialization of the individual takes place, the first social roles are mastered, and the basic values ​​of life are laid. Parents naturally influence their children: through the mechanisms of imitation, identification and internalization of images of parental behavior. As a rule, the first person who gives the child an idea of ​​the world around him and the situation in it is the mother. The connection between the child and the mother is determined by the baby’s expressed need for closeness to the person caring for him. Bowlby associates the development of mental and motor functions with the development of ways to achieve closeness to the mother. Such proximity ensures safety, allows you to engage in research, learn, and adapt to new situations. The presence of fears in the mother, anxiety in relationships with the child, excessive protection from dangers and isolation from communication with peers, emotional rejection leads to the emergence of fears in the child. The mother always plays an active role in the development of anxiety, especially in childhood neuroses, the etiology of which undoubtedly goes back to early childhood. How does fear arise? What does it consist of? The deep meaning of the word fear: S T R A X S - creation T - anxiety P - born A - life X - preserving Initially, fear was given specifically so that danger would pass a person, but gradually they turned fear into a fetish and accumulated its surplus. And he began not so much to protect from danger, but to attract it, in order to justify his presence in the presence of a person. And the man, who was so put to sleep that he began to fear his own shadow, gave up his willpower for fear - and fear filled him. Now he himself doesn’t know how to remove excess fear. And now there are many fears in a person and their meaning has become different: S T R A H I S - state of T - anxiety R - mind A - living X - outside I - Truth Fear - the belief that something is going to happen to a person not good. Fear for loved ones, children, when a person is afraid for them, worries about them, and thereby he himself escalates those negative reactions that can happen to family and friends. And in the understanding of modern man, fear is a feeling of anticipation of possible undesirable events, arising from the experience of past incarnations, previous generations, the mother’s feelings during pregnancy, parental upbringing, the environment.
