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If you've hit the ceiling, hit a wall, or hit rock bottom, you've definitely come to the right place. This article will teach you how to easily and naturally remove any such obstacles. Internal barriers will turn to dust under the all-conquering pressure of powerful super strategies. So, to the devil's preface - let's go!!! How to break through the “ceiling”, “wall”, “bottom”? Step No. 0: Determine what type of internal obstacles you are faced with. The ceiling is the inability to further increase your success rates in a particular area. For example, the amount of monthly income, the number of love affairs per night, a personal record in the 100-meter dash, the time per week that you devote to working with clients, etc. A wall is an obstacle to achieving a goal that arises due to difficulties in relationships with people and organizations , the structure of the universe or one’s own subconscious. For example, a girl/boyfriend does not respond to your advances, you are not accepted as an honorary member of the local society of beer lovers and vodka pros, due to the irreversibility of time, you can’t make it to work by ten, waking up at 11:04. Bottom - depletion of resources/ opportunities. Staying “at the bottom”, “at the end”, “behind the backdrop of the scenery”. For example, you are professionally burnt out, your stash, once full of Euros, has shown an aluminum bottom, all the Kama Sutra poses have been mastered and are quite boring, at the company below you in position and salary there is only the faithful Mukhtarka in the backyard. Artistic destruction of ceilings Method No. 1: “Give way to the ski track” - it is psychologically difficult to achieve something that no one has yet been able to achieve. Let's say, set a world record. Therefore, just wait for your ceiling to become a completed stage for someone, and calmly follow its trail. If you wait a long time and have no prospects, turn on your active imagination. Clearly and vividly imagine how you successfully achieve this and strive even higher. If for some reason this is not very easy, then first imagine how someone else does it, who can accurately cope with the ceiling. This could be a real person, a literary character, or anyone in general. And after his success, put your image in his place and do everything with him. Well, in the end, break the ceiling in real life. Method No. 2: “Freaky 3D” - many ceilings are caused by flat, narrow thinking, and to break them, it’s enough to add one or two more dimensions to the situation. It's like a hybrid car that completely blows away the ceilings of convenience and endurance that are insurmountable for either electric vehicles or diesel engines. Let me explain with a specific example. Let's say you are a practicing psychologist and conduct 8-10 consultations per day. It is no longer physically possible. It would seem that this is your productivity ceiling. But let's bring new dimensions into the system. Firstly, you can hire a personal assistant, delegate the routine to him, and focus only on consulting. Secondly, conduct group trainings and seminars, i.e. in fact, the same consultations, but not with one participant, but with tens, hundreds or even thousands at a time. And accordingly, receive thousands of times more income. Thirdly, record your consultations on video/audio and distribute them in millions of copies. That’s it - the ceiling is completely destroyed! Method No. 3: “Hercules in a pack” - the lion’s share of ceilings is formed only because someone “ate little porridge.” Not all yoghurts are equally healthy, as they say. To successfully and rapidly grow above yourself, breaking through any obstacles from above, like a sprout that always breaks through the asphalt, you need high-quality nutrition. And not only calories - for the stomach, but also images, sounds, emotions, impressions, knowledge, skills - for the mind and heart. Those who have already subscribed to my articles are always provided with fresh spiritual food, and jokingly cope with various ceilings. Expert wall-breaking Method No. 4: “Pull-through attack” – often you shouldn’t just break a wall, you can go through it as if it wasn’t there. Here's a video tutorial fromFilm "Sorcerers": Method No. 5: "To the point!" – Some walls are so strong and powerful that you can try to break them even before Chinese Easter. However, there are people (including psychologists!) with special skills who see a special point in the wall, at which it is enough to lightly poke it just once, and the obstacle will be gone. Here is a parable about one of these masters: At one of the factories, a steam generator broke down. The manufacturer invited all sorts of specialists, but to no avail. And then a man came and said that he could fix everything. Carefully and methodically, he began tapping various areas of the machine, listening carefully to the sounds that the metal surface made. In ten minutes, he tapped pressure sensors, thermostats, bearings and connections where he suspected the damage was located. Then he walked up to one of the elbow joints and struck it lightly with a hammer. The effect was immediate. Something moved and the steam generator started working. The manufacturer thanked the foreman for a long time and asked him to send an invoice detailing all types of work. Here's what the invoice said: For ten minutes of tapping - 1 pound. Knowing where to hit costs £9,999. Total: 10,000 pounds. Method #6: Push-Pull - Barrier walls are sometimes like doors that for some reason won't open. In this case, it is worth checking whether you are unlocking it in the right direction. In other words, don’t you act according to the principle: “We roll what’s square, turn it round?”? For example, when trying to achieve the affection of a person of the opposite sex, you are actively trying to get closer, i.e. trying to open the door by pushing. Instead, it would be much more effective to pull the door towards you, i.e. portray indifference, coldness, avoid the object of your passion, which will certainly awaken in him interest, excitement, and, possibly, a reciprocal feeling. Fishing with a donk Method No. 7: “Here is an empty pot...” - If you have exhausted something from the bottom, then you have somewhere to fill up. It’s always time to start with a clean slate, because, being at the bottom, you are freed from everything unnecessary, superficial. Rename "bottom" to "solid ground of endless growth." And on a positive note, with the help of an experienced mentor (such as the master from method No. 4), build the palace of your success. Method No. 8: “Golden Mine” - Having exhausted resources/opportunities to the bottom, you actually find yourself in a very advantageous position. After all, only the usual sources, around long-trodden paths, have ended. Now you can dig deeper and get something truly valuable and unique. Moreover, without fear of competing miners. For example, the same Kama Sutra. Bored of classic positions? Come up with a dozen new, unprecedented ones. And teach those who want... :)))Method No. 9: “Enantiodromize it!” – Once in the deep bottom, it doesn’t necessarily take long to climb to shining heights. Sometimes it will be easier, faster and more effective to take advantage of the psychological effect of enantiodromia (counter-escape). They say about him: “From love to hate there is one step.” Those. Wanting to be in the penthouse, for this we go down from the first floor even deeper - into the basement. And there, on a secret high-speed (enantiodromic) elevator, straight to happiness. For example, in order to qualitatively relax a tired muscle, you must first, on the contrary (as you inhale), tense it quite a bit, and only then (as you exhale) release it. What ways of breaking down internal barriers did I forget to indicate? Add me in the comments! Your liberating psychologist, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52 They sincerely echo this article: “Mission Possible!” - everything you wanted to know about your life’s purpose, but were afraid to ask... “A loser is destiny!!!” – Requiem for an anthropomorphic dendromutant and six more types How to achieve amazing efficiency in any business: the ancient technique of the sages of Hindustan To quickly and regularly receive all my new valuable articles, notes and recordings, subscribe right now! PS Each of your thanks inspires me to write new – even more interesting and useful articles!!!!
